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I'm currently ignoring Louis, even though I want to desperately go up and hug him. It looks like he just doesn't want anything to do with me and doesn't care if I'm here. First he gives McKenna and Natalie a good morning hug, but only says hello to me! It made me quite mad and I feel Like I should just give up on him. But I won't. I'm going to confront him and tell him I like him since he obviously can't see I do.

We are all sitting outside in the backyard at the pool. Liam and McKenna are in the pool playing water contests. Harry is sitting in the shallow part of the pool just floating. Niall and Louis are having a water gun fight. And Natalie and I are just sitting around talking.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Natalie asked me as we were watching Louis and Niall.

"I don't know. Maybe I should now?" I replied nervously.

"Yes! Do it now!" Natalie yells as she pulls me up if the chair and over to Louis.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. This better go well.

"Hey." Louis simply says.

"Hi." I say as I rock back and forth in my feet.

"Umm..I need to talk to you about something." I nervously mumble.

"OK. What do you wanna talk about." He proclaimed

"So. You might not feel the same way, but I actually really like yo-" i started before I was cut off by a doorbell.

"Be right back!" Louis yells as he runs to the door and opens it.

I walk over there with Natalie and lean against the door frame. I had a smile on my face until I saw who it was. Eleanor.

I mentally scream and feel Like crying. What is she doing here? I know Louis will take her back, so she better not me here for him.

"What are you doing here? Louis asks while inviting her in.

"I'm here for you, Lou!" She silently screams while hugging Louis. "I missed you so much! I had to come back."

"I missed you too, babe. But what about Zach?" Louis asked. Which made me pretty mad because he called her 'Babe'.

"After we broke up I went with Zach, but he wasn't you! I tried finding you but u couldn't. When I found out you were here I came as fast as I could." She says while crying. Louis pulls her into another bug and she glares at me while smirking.

I run outside to McKenna and tell her that Eleanor is here. McKenna runs inside and goes straight up to Eleanor.

"Get out of my house!" She yells.

"Um, why?" Eleanor asks while smirking again.

"Because I said so! Stay away from me and my house!" She screams.

"McKenna! What's your problem?" Louis yells back at her.

All the boys are now in the house seeing what all the noise is about.

"Get her out of here! Why is this piece of skum even in here?" McKenna yells at a more calm tone now.

"Don't call her that! And if you kick her out, then I'm leaving too!" Louis yells as he flings the door open and walks out with Eleanor.

"Fine! Go dump that thing in the street and come back later! McKenna replied as she slams the door.

"Oh Snap." Is all Natalie said.

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