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"McKenna, wake up. Its almost 2:00 pm.!" I heard Natalie yell into my ear. "Huh. What?" I asked confused as I got up off the bed. "I've been awake for hours but you wouldn't get up, it looked like you were having a long, detailed dream." she said concerningly. At this I started to freak out. Was that all a dream? That's good news. Well I guess, That cotton headed ninny muggin wasn't even part of that management thing. And there wasn't a management thing at all. "Wait, were is Harry? And kendall?" I asked shaking my head. "Kendall? I don't know a Kendall. What are you talking about, Kenna?" Natalie replied. "That must have been all in your dream. And Harry and the guys went to Florida for interviews and a show, they are coming back today at 3:00 so you better hurry up." She added."So wait, Harry and me are still fine and we didn't have a fight over management?" "Yeah you guys had no fights over any management you guys have happily dated for about 3 months." Natalie exclaimed looking at me weird like she was confused. "That's good news! But hurry up we need to go get them at the airport then!" I excitedly yelled as I jumped of the bed to get get changed.







"Finally! We landed! No more of that disgusting airplane food." Louis said as he got off the private jet. "What are you talking about?" Niall asked shocked. "That food was amazing!" "Excuse me, I think you mean amaZAYN." I told Niall folding my arms. "Whatever, who's picking us up?" Niall replied. "I think..actually I don't know who is." Liam exclaimed. " Your the responsible one Liam! Find someone to pick us up!" Louis proceeded. "What? Who would I call. There's no one I can think of." Liam sighed.

"Call the girls." I simply said. "They will come and get us." "Yeah call Natalie and mcKenna. I'm sure they will come and pick us up since their close friends." Louis added. "Ok, ill call Natalie." Liam said.



"How long does it take to get to the airport?" McKenna asked me. "I don't know maybe another 10 minutes." I replied.


I took my phone out of my pocket to answer it it. "Hey don't talk and drive! Ill answer it." McKenna said as she grabbed my phone.

"This is McKenna on Natalie's phone because she's driving to the airport and she shouldn't talk and drive." Mckenna laughed as she put the phone on speaker.

"Hey there McKenna. Are you coming to pick us up at the airport?"

"Yeah we are." I said. "I knew you guys would end up having something happen and you guys wouldn't have a ride home so I came to the rescue."

"Haha thanks. Well see ya soon!"

"Bye!" McKenna and I both said in unison. "You are lucky you don't have a car yet and you are using your moms mini van. Because we can barely fit them all in here with this huge van, so imagine how it would be if we took my car." McKenna exclaimed as she giggled." We would have people sitting on top of one another!" I said.







"When are they going to be here." I asked as I laid down on some seats. "There is already fans gathered outside and it is going to get bigger as time goes on."

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