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"When we get to the mall, first let's go in Bath and Body Works. I have to get a new Twisted Peppermint Lotion." I said after I finished my ramble on what we need to get at the mall. We were in the back of a taxi since both of us were to lazy to drive.

"Its the beginning of October. I don't think they have Christmas scents out yet" Natalie said while texting on her phone.

"Who you texting?" I asked in a mocking voice.

"No one" Natalie replied while shrugging.

I quickly snatched her phone away while reading the texts.

Niall- Yeah Harry and I might do something today, but idek.

Natalie-Oh cool, I'm with McKenna.

Niall-We should all hang out today. Wanna?

Natalie- Yes! Let's all meet at the mall.

Niall-Sounds great, see ya soon.

At that moment I threw Natalie's phone back at her.

"Take it, you should talk to your boyfriend!" I told Natalie while making kissy faces. "Natalie and Niall sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I--"

"McKenna, I suggest you stop before I steal Harry from you and kidnap him, and force him to fall in love with me." Natalie threatened me.

"Oh heck to the no!" I yelled at her while pulling her hair.

"Are you and Harry even dating?"

"I don't know, but I still car for him like a boyfrined."






"Should I stick with Twisted Peppermint

or switch to Winter Candy Apple?" I asked as I walked around smelling all the scents in Bath and Body Works.

"I say try Winter Candy Apple. You have used the Twisted Peppermint scent for years!" Natalie said while shoving the lotion in my hands.

"True, true." I said while walking over to the check out.

"Look at the cute little hand sanitizer!" I screamed while picking out a few of them.

"Only you McKenna, only you get excited about oral hygiene", Natalie declared while smiling at me.

"You do too, dont lie."

"Okay maybe." She smiled.      

"Whatever lets go the food court, I'm starving like Donkey Kong!" I exclaimed while paying and going out the door.


"Chick-Fil-A, Chinese, or Pizzeria?" I asked while staring at our choices.

"How about all of them!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn around to see Niall coming over to us.

"Hey Niall." McKenna said as she hugged Niall.

"Huhm", I said while clearing my throat. "I believe that's suppose to be my job."

McKenna and Niall were silent for a second before they just burst out laughing. And it wasn't even suppose to be funny, I was serious.

"Strangest people I've ever met.I thought to myself.


"Hey Niall, nice to see you and but where's Harry? Wasn't he going to come?" I asked confused.

"He was right behind me." Niall said turning around to see his surroundings. "Where is he? Oh no..he's probably lost again!" Niall silently yelled. "Who's up for a game of, Find Harry lost in the Mall!", Niall nervously laughed.

"Oh god, I guess let's go." I sighed.

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