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"Eh. Dont wear that dress it's weird. Wear that dress." I told McKenna as we rummaged through her closet.

"I don't want to waer a dress. Its too formal. I'll just wear this black skater skirt and this white blouse. With these pink heels." McKenna replied picking random items to wear.

"How are you so good at fashion?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Practice, Honey." McKenna said with her hand in the air.

"And I still can't pair these items together if I practiced for years!" I yelled while laughing.

"I'll pick you out a outfit then." McKenna said while looling throigh her clothes.

"Thank you! I'll love it no matter wjat I already know it." I smiled while plopping down on her bed.

"Lets see. This pair of white leggings, this shirt, these shoes, and this skirt!" McKenna shreiked.

She picked out a long flowing top that had the words,"I'd rather have flowers in my hair, then diamonds around my neck."

She also had the same black skater skirt as hers, paired with a pair of white creamy leggings. And finally white keds.

"Chic and comfortable. Niall's taste." McKenna smiled.

"Your the best. Now do my makeup since you are the expert on that too." I said.

"Geez. Your making sound like a fashion icon. Oh wait! I am one!"McKenna exclaimed as we both laughed our heads off.

McKenna put a light layer of tinted moisturizer followed by a translucent powder. She then put a thin layer of black liquid eyeliner on me with two different mascaras. She then put a clear gloss on my lips.

"Simple. But pretty." McKenna explained.

She then did her makeup of the same tinted moisturizer and a setting powder. Then she put a rosy blush on and mascara. With pencil black eyeliner on her waterline. And the "Peach Kiss" Baby Lips on.

We then did our hair. I curled a few peices of my hair since I already have  naturally curly hair, to make them more curly. While McKenna straighted her slightly half and half, striaght and wavy hair.

"Lets just wait for the night of our lives!" McKenna exclaimed.


"Lets just go in." I said standing at McKenna's door.

"Wait, let me prepare myself." Niall replied while closing his eyes.

I rung the doorbell then.

"Hey! You didn't give me time to meditate!" Niall yelled.

"Be quiet! They can probably hear everything we are saying." I sighed.

As if on cue, McKenna opened the door with Natalie by her side. They both looked very casual and I liked that. They looked lime they weren't trying to hard to look elegant or fancy.

"Are you ladies ready? Your chariot awaits." I smiled as I turned my body and pointed with my hand to my car.

"Still cheesy." McKenna whispered in my ear as she walked by me.

"Yep. And I like it that way." I replied with a wink.



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