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For the next month, Sel has been ignoring me even more... I never thought that was possible. Even after I tried to pressure her into telling me what's going, she went further away. I don't know what's going on with her. Even Mathew said she's been taking one person a day lately.

Why would she do that? She usually takes up to three a day.

"I dont know what the fuck is going in her stupid twisted mind but you gotta fix her before I beat the shit out of her," Mathew shouts as I sigh loudly.

"I don't know what's up either, she's not talking to me." I tell him.

"Then you talk to her, find out what's up with that bitch."

"Don't call Selena a bitch, Mathew." I warn him through gritted teeth.

He looks at me for a second then away, "Whatever." He throws away the stuff on the desk and walks away.

I try to call her but it leads me to voicemail almost immediately. Not knowing what to do, I head to Harry's place to check if she's there. It's half an hour drive from Selena's workplace and home. When I arrive it's almost twelve in the morning.

I knock on the door and after a few seconds, the door opens to reveal Selena.

"Hey," she says faintly looking at me directly in the eyes.

"Hi," I almost half smile then notice tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?" I run towards her and she backs away.

"Don't please," She stops me midway and I search her eyes for a sign but she refuses to look at me.

"Selena-" I caress her cheek and she looks at me then behind her.

"Come in, he's not here." She whispers and gets inside as I follow her after closing the door.

She stops again and turns to me as I stay still looking at her. Without a word, she comes across me and kisses me deeply. The kiss was sweet but very short which made me crave her even more.

"Why are you here?" She whispers, our foreheads upon each other.

"I had to see you someway," I reply after a small pause, "Even if it's gonna cause a little trouble since Harry and I aren't talking very often... But," I pause again, "I don't care about that, I had to see you, Selena."

"I-" she starts but I stop her.

"I love you, Selena, I don't want you to disappear. I don't want you to leave me, ever again." I hold her hands and kiss them softly as she gazes at me in shock, "I know you love Harry," I continue, "I can wait, though, just give me some hope."

"I can't give you hope," she says directly.

"Why?" I step away.

"I don't know how you'll take it, Ian." She tears up again and I wipe her tears.

"Tell me baby, what's up?" I whisper.

"I'm pregnant Ian."


I look at him one last time before I expect him to leave, to never talk to me again and probably go tell Harry everything. I take a deep breath and hold his hand tightly.

"I'm pregnant Ian," my voice shakes as I say the words. I haven't said that I'm pregnant so anyone yet, not even Harry knows.

"You're Pregnant?" He looks at me in shock, "But how? Don't you take any birth control?"

"Of course I do," I say like its obvious, "But I stopped it a while. I didn't stop I just forgot to take the pills. What we've been through the last few months was messed up. Anne and Gemma... My father and you. I wasn't thinking properly."

"When did you find out?" He asks shortly, not looking at me.

"A few months back," I whisper so he wouldn't hear but he does.

"How many few months back Selena?" His eyes drop to my belly and I hide it.

"Like three or four," I whisper again and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Three or four?!" He shouts, "You wanna keep him?"

"I- I don't know, Ian. I've been thinking for a long while now and- I'm just not ready for abortion."

"Do you even know who the father is?" He says, breaking my heart.

Tears fall immediately and I try to hide them but fail miserably. He apologizes and comforts me with a tight hug.

"I didn't mean to, baby, I'm so sorry." He whispers gently into my ear and I sniffle.

"That's the hard part, Ian, I know who the father is. I made the doctors do a DNA test."

"What?" He shakes his head, "So it shouldn't be a problem... I'm sure Harry will be happy."

"It's not Harry," I cry again yet wipe them away and come closer to him.

"Not Harry?" He looks down on me and come even closer.

"It's you, Ian, You're the father of this baby." I hold his hand and place it on my belly, "I took some hair from your brush like a month ago and did the test... it's one hundred percent accurate."

"My baby?" His smile plastered on his face as he asks the question and I smile at his reaction.

"Yours," I tell him and he hugs me tightly.

"Selena, you don't know what this means to me!" He yells, "Please don't do anything, don't abort."

"I won't," I laugh, "I don't know how to handle this though."

"We'll leave," he smiles widely, "We can go anywhere you want Selena. We'll get married and Take care of our baby."

"Wait," I laugh at his enthusiasm, "Step by step. What about Harry?"

His smile goes away, "What about him?" He asks dryly, "He's done... you're done."

My smile disappears too as I drop his hands from mine, "I don't want that. I mean- I have feelings for you and all but I love Harry more than anything. I can't hurt him and I don't want to hurt you either Ian."

He turns around to comprehend what the hell just happened then looks at me in shock, "You don't wanna be with me."

"I didn't say that," I immediately say, grabbing both of his hands to mine, "You mean so much to me... I'm carrying this child with you, Ian, but I can't just let go of everything and leave."

"You can't stay here either, Selena." He points out and I sigh.

"I've been thinking about something but-"

"Just spill it," he interrupts me.

"We can stay here- Tell Harry that the child is his and-"

"Nooo what the actual fuck?!" He shouts, moving away from me, "You think I'll let Harry raise my child? You think I'm gonna let my kid call Harry dad just because you don't wanna leave Harry? That's bullshit Selena!"

"I'm- I'm sorry that's selfish," I sit down and look at the ground trying to find a solution. Just when Ian sits on his knees in front of me and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"I love you so much it breaks my heart," he breathes, "I love you so much I wanna spend the rest of my days with you... Selena,"

he takes a deep breath just when I comprehend what's happening.

"Will you marry me?"

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