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My life is officially over

Now that Harry found his mother, most importantly dead on the street, I can never look at him again knowing that I'm the reason she's actually gone. When he said he wanted his mother to stop bothering us, I thought he really wanted her gone. And now, after he cried when he saw her, I'm guessing he didn't want her to be gone.

I called Ian and told him what happened. He's currently panicking his way over here. I even called Calvin and all of Harry's friends to come over, maybe they'll help him move on.

My head is fuming from the current incidents and I can't help but feel guilty and responsible towards what happened. I didn't mean to end things like that but she forced me to. She kept on pushing me away from her son like I was torturing him.

At the end, I did torture him... by killing his mother.

Yes, Ian and I killed Anne. At first it started with a normal discussion between adults and then she attacked me like a maniac. Ian had to defend me in some way so he grabbed a knife from the floor and stabbed her.


"I'm not like you! I don't like that filthy job and I'm trying to get rid of it!" I shout at her as Ian grabs my arm calming me down.

"You're a liar! You want to steal my son, you're already changing everything about him. That's not the Harry I raised!"

"I didn't do anything!" I try to defend myself.

She steps towards me, "Listen to me," she breathes widening her eyes, "You better keep your distance... or else."

"You're threatening me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"When it comes to my son, I'm willing to do everything."

"I make him happy! I love him." I yell. She grabs my hair pushing me to the ground.

"You're playing him!" She shouts, attacking me as she slaps me repeatedly.

As I'm caught by the punches, she suddenly stops. I look up to find her laying on the ground.

"What happened?" I choke out, helpless.

"This happened." He brings the knife to me. I hold it in my hands not knowing whether I should be sad or angry.

"You did this? Why?" I ask, standing up.

"You said Harry hates his mother now that she's pulling you apart. She was hiting you, I couldn't allow it. I-" he panicks, "It's in your hands now, I've got nothing to do with it."

"Really?" I sigh, "You just killed her!" I look at her laying on the ground.

"I did nothing." He steps away, shaking his head.


"I did nothing Selena!" He yells loudly, hiting himself.

"Okay, okay," I breath, "Calm down, Ian." I hug him tightly.

"I- I didn't do it, Selena." He sobs, "Not again please."

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