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When I reached Ian's place, the door was already open. I tiptoed inside making sure to close the door on my way in.

A loud cough interrupted my thoughts and I catch a glimpse of Ian on the couch. A large fog above him making my vision blurry.

"Come." Ian's voice guides me to him as I walk to the couch. He's sat there with a bunch of cigarettes on the floor and one between his lips.

He blows and I cough at the disgusting smell of it.

"Annoyed?" He smirks, looking down at his cigarette. His eyes are dark blue full of pain and agony. I can tell by the way he's looking at the cigarette that he was about to cry.

"Ian, are you okay?" I ask lowly, placing my bag down and dropping beside him.

"I'm - Uh, fine." He looks at me then away.

I place my hand on his arm and he grabs it, interlacing it with mine.

"What's wrong? You can tell me." I encourage him.

He laughs while looking down, "Why? So you could threaten me with it later on? I'm not stupid, Selena."

"I'm not you, Ian." I clear out, "Besides, if that's not what you wanna talk about then why am I here?"

"Come here." He opens his arms. I place my head on his chest as he breathes heavily.

"Are you-"

"Just shut up for a second. Let me enjoy this moment." He whispers, blowing out a fog covering our bodies along.

"You know," he starts, "I never thought I'd be jealous of Harry oneday."

I pull away, looking at him in shock, "You're jealous of Harry?"

"I am." He looks deeply into my eyes, "He has you, afterall." he laughs and I gulp.

"He has everything I ever wished for, Selena. A family, friends, good job, money, future... You." His eyes wander in mine as I stare at him talking.

"You lost me the minute you threatened me, Ian." I tell him.

"I never had you-"

"You could have. I wasn't in love with Harry back then- I didn't-"

"You're in love with Harry?" He looks at me with wide eyes, dropping his hand from mine.

I look down, fiddling with my hands, "I am."

"Why?" He looks like he's about to vomit as he asks.

"Because he was there for me. He was there when no one was, Ian. I can't forget about that and I don't know what I ever did to deserve him." I tell him honestly.

"Instead of threatening me, you should have been there for me. It's not like I want or like that job. I actually hate it."

After the outburst, he says something I never imagined to hear it from Ian himself.

"I- I'm sorry, Selena." He looks sadly at me.

My eyebrows dip in confusion as I stare at him. This isn't the Ian I know.

"You are?" I ask, blinking multiple times to make sure it's real.

"I really am. I promise I'll make it up to you if you give me a chance."

"I'm -"

"Just tell me there's hope." He whispers, holding my hand.

"Can you keep my secret and stop threatening me and using me?" I sigh.

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