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"What did you prepare us?" I asked, sitting on the grass floor.

"I got some sandwiches and a salad. I'm not that good at preparing food for a picnic."

"I like whatever you prepare." I kiss her cheek. She smiles, placing her head on my shoulder.

"I don't want to ruin our night but-"

"But... Don't. Let's enjoy this and we'll discuss whatever's on your mind tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine." She nodds, "Here's your sandwich." She hands me mine.

I unwrap the paper and start eating my chicken sandwich. She smiles and starts eating too.

"It's good." I moan.

"Glad you liked it." I feel her blush.

When we finished, we laid down on the mat and just stared at the stars.
"Have you ever thought how many couples are just laying there staring at the stars just like us?"

"Hm, never thought about it."

"I do, all the time. When I'm with someone I just imagine other people doing the same. Every single move you do, there's someone in the world doing it too."

"This is a scary subject-"

We both laugh, "I know. It's weird to talk about but it's true."

I caress her hair, kissing it, "We don't have to think about that right now. We're together and that is what really matters."

"I know." She Looks up at me, connecting her lips with mine. She lays back on my chest and lets out a breath.

"My parents called a few days ago." She confessed slowly, "They wanted to check up on me and asked how I was doing. I just- I couldn't talk."

I sat up, staring at her as she bit her lip, "I was getting abused by Henry at that moment. They called and I cried over the phone. I just couldn't help myself."

"They know?" I worried, "What did they say?"

"They got mad and said it was my fault for trusting someone I didn't actually know. I let him into the house and made him sleep over. Maybe they're right... Maybe it was my fault."

"No, no. Chloe, it's not your fault-"

"Maybe I'm not good enough to be with someone, Harry. I don't deserve this."

"Hey, stop. I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work. I'm not Henry and I'm definitely not your parents. I would never treat you like that-"

"No, I know." She shook her head, "That's not what I meant."

I hummed, looking at her.
"I mean, I'm not good for you."

"Who the hell said that?"

"I'm -"

"No, wait. You're insecure about yourself?" I asked. She looked down indicating it was true.

"Chloe, you are the most amazing girl I've met my entire life. You're sweet, kind, and most importantly REAL. You're the only person I was able to open up about my ex relationship.

You're the only one who understands and listens. I don't think I can ever find a person as magnificent as you are. Don't be insecure about yourself. Don't doubt yourself once.

You're perfect just the way you are. And that dick, Henry, has made a big mistake by touching you. He broke this amazing masterpiece that I once knew. I will fix you, I promise."

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