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After getting a quick shower and getting actually dressed for the day, David met me by the stairs to walk me out to his car. He still had the same outfit on. That adorable look.

"Ready to go, darling?" He asked me. I smiled. Every single time I heard that voice of him I had to smile. It was all I wanted to do around him.

"Of course Mr. Walliams!" I say with joy. I walked with him to his front door when he stopped to put on his sunglasses and a hat. I stopped and asked, "It's not sunny out why do you have glasses?" I almost laughed.  He smiles.

"Not for the sun honey, for the people. I like when people come up to me but it's annoying when I try to have a nice day. Especially if I'm trying to have a nice day with you. And I suggest you put some on too." He said to me while checking himself out in his mirror. Jeez. I reached in my purse to grab a pair and found them. I put them on and we walked out side.

"You know the flowers usually don't bloom this early in the year. Guess you brought them to it." He says to me while pointing at the garden in the front yard. He was adorable. But also right why were the flowers blooming so early? We got to his garage and he opened it up and held open the passenger seat door. I thanked him and he closed it. He got in his side and started the car.

"SO! Where to miss?" He said looking over at me. His left arm rested behind my seat to look backwards. Oh how I wanted that arm to be around me instead.

"Lets go eat somewhere. I'm starving sweetie." He agreed to this statement and we were off. It took about 20 minutes to get into town and into a little shop town filled with bakery's and little shops. Barely anyone was here except some old ladies walking around and some people doing some shopping.

It looked very similar to Ireland but the smell was different. In Ireland you smell the food and drinks everywhere you go. Unless you go to the farms then all you smell is cow and pig. Which is what I grew up around so I can't really complain about it. Here it smelled like rain, and streets, and people. But I was loving it. It was all so new to me. I never traveled out of my country. Unless you count going on a boat ride 68 miles off the coast to go fishing with my dad. That only happened once. Something caught onto my line and it wouldn't let go. I was still tiny then so I could handle in on my own. I called him over to take it off my hands but he didn't make it over in time because I was flown into the water and lost the rod. My dad jumped in after me. But I was crying over the rod. His friends laughed at my reason for crying. But I was happy my dad was concerned for me.

Anyway, David opened my door for me after parking and took my hand into his. He was so warm. He pulled me along the street and into a cafe I couldn't see the name of.

"What would you like darling?" He asks me in a low voice. I looked at the menu. Within a minute I almost jumped up in joy. They had Chocolate blueberry muffins. I used to eat them all the time as a kid. But we moved away from the cafe we used to live down the street by and never got them again. I was excited to see them again!

"One chocolate blueberry muffin please!" I tell him. He smiled. He was cute. I squeezed harder onto his hand. He squeezed back. Irresistible.

"Okay, why don't you wait by that table over there and I'll bring the stuff to you?" He says. I agreed and sat at the table. I decided to call my baby Riley while I was waiting. It took a few rings before Abby answered.

"Mommy?" It was Riley.

"Baby! How are you!" I ask her with excitement. I heard nothing but silence on the other end. I started getting concerned. "Baby? You okay?" I ask. She finally answered.

"Mommy, im scared. Please, come home soon." She said. And more silence came. What is going on

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