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We got up, had some tea for the morning, and were getting dressed for the day.

"Why don't I take you out for the day? Around town maybe? Get some food and get you something nice." He said to me while he was looking on the computer.

"Why don't we find me a flight first?" I told him while pulling my suit case down the stairs.

"I am! I am I promise! But it doesn't look like there is another one for about another week." He said still scrolling down. My eyes went big and I looked over to him.

"You are joking right? Riley can't be without me that long!" I told him.

"Well I'm putting you on first class. And it's hard to find first class tickets for a flight in 12 hours." He shut his computer and gave me a sassy look. He continued "especially getting 2 tickets!" He laughed. He wasn't kidding. He's actually coming home with me. Why was he so obsessed with me? I mean of course I found him attractive and beautiful and handsome and everything I want but he fell in love with me so quick.

"Ugh, David are you really coming with me?" I asked him pretending I didn't want him to come.

"Oh, well if you don't want me to I guess I will just have to stay home." He opened the computer back up. My head spun around. And I reacted faster then I thought I ever could.

"Wait! I mean, you can come if you absolutely want to but I have to tell you my home is not nearly as big or nice as yours. 2 story but it's a 3 bedroom 2 bath house. No hot tub or pool."

"Thats okay love! I don't mind! You are coming back here though eventually. You'll see." He laughs.

"Are you joking?" I question him.

"Half joking." He gives me a reply. "I'm looking for ships that can take you home. One leaves in an hour but I have a lot left to do with you before we go and one leave tomorrow 12 PM. I'm picking that one." He already makes my decision.

"Well sure I'm okay with that." I say with sarcasm. He looks up worried.

"Is that alright? There is no earlier ones.." he says looking back on the laptop. I giggle a bit.

"No that's quite alright David." I say back he looks up and laughs. He gets up from his computer and joins me on his couch. He falls down beside me and put his arm behind me.

"So what are we watching?" He says moving a bit closer to me. He was dressed in some nice pants that fit him perfectly, a blue button down shirt that was short sleeved and dress shoes. Adorable. A man with style senses.

"Oh, just some news." I say back. He chuckles a bit and looks over to me.

"You know what isn't news?" He says to me. I look over at him, he is much closer then before. I could almost feel his breath. I cock up an eyebrow. He smiles and chuckles again. "That you are just beautiful." He murmurs into my ear. I giggle a bit. His right hand came over to my left side to pull me in closer and his left hand was sneaking up hair and to the back of my head, he put our foreheads together and I was fully facing him now. Nose to nose.

"Is that so?" I tell him. He smiles

"Absolutely darling. The most beautiful person on this planet is right here on my coach. In fact she's so close I could just kiss her, bite her, make every move I want to her. She's that close." He murmurs again to my ear. Rubbing the back of my head and his other hand comes up to my cheek.

"If she is that close, then what would you do with her if you had the chance." I whisper to him. THe news played in the back ground.

"Well, first i would tell her how beautiful she is, which i did, then I would want to kiss her and make sure she knows what love can feel like. I would want to make her feel like the queen." He whispers back. We both smile insanely. I feel his beard now tickling my cheeks and lips.

"Then why don't you do it?" I ask him, my smile grew wider. So did his. He went to say something but quickly shut his mouth. He opened it again as if to say something, he licked his lips. His soft lips were crying for attention. He quickly pulled me into him. He was kissing me yet again and it felt as amazing as the last. I remember this feeling so clearly. It was a slow kiss at first, with our lips moving into sync and our tongues finding each other. His hands moved all up and down my sides and my head stroking my cheeks. He moved into a faster kiss and I moaned very very slightly. His hands stopped on the side of my chest. His palms were putting a bit of pressure on my breasts. This made me more excited. He broke the kiss and laughed

"Please! I need you to know for real! I do NOT do this with anyone! This is the first time I've done this with anyone. I'm sorry but I just got a feeling I couldn't let go. So I won't." He finished. I looked at him for a bit then collapsed my lips into his again. He pulled me onto his lap, my legs on either side of him. He moved his hands down to my hips and held on. My hand found his face and cupped it. His beard in-between my fingers, the kiss getting stronger and better. We were back to where we left off last night. I remember it now. My tongue needed his so much and he was giving me all of it. I was giving him everything I've been saving for someone for 4 years. I felt him getting excited to say the least. Right under neath of me. It was making me excited. I've never been so open with someone so fast. It's like Romeo and Juliet. Except we aren't dying.

I lowered myself lower just so I could feel more of him. It felt so amazing. Oh David why must you do this to me. It feels so right! But I know it's wrong! Its so wrong! I can't do it! I broke the kiss and he moaned a bit. He smiled at me,

"I'm all yours I promise." He smiled again. I loved that but I just laughed a bit and my head fell onto his shoulder. I picked myself back up, still on him.

"Oh David. How I would love to do this, I mean I would LOVE to do this, I just can't and I don't know why. I'm sorry." I don't him. My smile faded and so did his. Oh no, I made him angry haven't I?! I got up from on him and moved back to my seat. I didn't want to cry but I felt it coming. "I'm sorry David. It's nothing you did I just can't do this! It's me!" I said almost breaking down.

"No it's not you. It's me! I'm racing this! I'm throwing this in so fast I mean, we aren't even official together and I already want to have sex with you? I'm so immature! I'm so stuck in my old ways!" He says getting up. His excitement was now gone. That made me disappointed. He started to walk away "im sorry love I can't be around you right now I need my own time. I'll just get you one ticket. I'm not going anywhere." He says and walks away from me.

"David please don't get angry with me! I'm sorry! If you want it that bad then I'll give it to you! I'm sorry just please! Don't be angry!" I said I started to cry. I felt the tears down my cheeks. I couldn't have this! This brought back memories. Me crying and telling someone if they want sex then I'll give it them because they were angry with me. 9 months later here is my baby with no father.

He stops in his tracks once he hears my cry. He rushes back to me and sits next to me. He pulls me onto his lap and wipes away my tears.

"Don't cry dear, please? I'm not angry with you! I promise. I'm just angry with myself for doing... well... THIS to you! I made you cry! A gentlemen should never let his lady cry. Please dear I'm not angry with you. I will never be." He says to me. I cuddle into his chest making me feel safer. The crying turns to sniffles. He kisses my head and rubs my leg and back.

"I'm sorry David." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"Stop saying that. You have nothing to be sorry for! I am sorry for rushing things! I promise that. It's all my fault." He tells me. I hug him tightly. His guy has known me for not even 24 hours and my god this is what we are doing. He goes to kiss me on the head again but I stop him. I put my lips in his way instead. We both smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I say to him. He shakes his head yes.

"Well, what are we right now?" I say. His smile stays still.

"What ever you want to be." He says and holds me a bit tighter. I laugh a bit.

"Friends? Okay!" I say. He drops his smile. "I'm kidding! Well what do you want to be?" I ask him.

"Well I want you to be the next Mrs. Walliams. You'll see it." He says. I'm shocked. My eyes grew wide and my smile drops. I went to say something but he laughs a bit, "one day! But for right now! I want you to be mine!" He finishes. My smile comes back.

"And so I am." I tell him. He pulls me in for another kiss. Bert joined us on the coach.

"Bert! So lovely for you to join!" He says and pets the little puppy. I smiled.

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