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6th drink. And I still feel fine. Well I'm probably not fine. But I feel great. Absolutely great. And David.. he's great too. He's on his 6th drink as well. He said that he would keep up with me.

"Oh Simon my love! I'm ready for another one!" I yell to him from the pool side chairs. David snaps his head around to me.

"Um, okay missy lets get something straight. Simon is MY love. And YOU missy, are very drunk and probably need to get some sleep." He says to me hobbling over.

"Sleep? David, sweetie... it's not even late!" I yell to him. I look at his watch to see the time. 2:08am. "Bloody hell David." I said to him. He looks over at me and then all around. I look with him. Everyone left. Ha! Everyone is gone. Just me and David! Oh wait.

Oh no.

Last time this happened I got pregnant with Riley.

But I trust David and we aren't stupid we are grown enough to learn from these mistakes.

"Bloody shit Miss Quinn it is quite past our bed time now isn't it?" He asks me. We laugh until I fall out of my chair. He helps me up "You need a bed! Lets go get you one!" He drags me through the house, or did I drag him.. and we pull each other up the stairs. He brings me past the guest room and pulls me into his room. We walk into his walk in closet and he pulls out clothes for himself and a shirt far too big for me.

"Here go change into this shirt and come back." He hands it to me. I obey and go to his bathroom to change. I am wearing nothing but a shirt. I put my hair into a messy bun and wipe my makeup off with  a towel. Just the makeup from under my eyes. I walk out to his room and he has the TV on and he is trying to keep himself awake but he keeps falling over on his bed and picking him self back up. When I realize that I can barely remember anything I did 2 seconds ago, I also realize we have had far more then 6 drinks. I don't know a number for sure but I'm thinking it was about 10.

"Oh! There you are! You've been gone forever I thought you left!" He yells to me. I don't think he understands that I'm right here.

"David! Shhhhh. I'm right here. I was in there for 3 minutes!" I whisper to him. We both giggle at each other and then that turns into laughter and that turns into ugly laughter.

"Do you want to know why you are in my house right now?" He asks me in a serious tone. I don't know if I want to know this answer. But I nod my head yes.

"Well, you my good lady are special! I don't do this with ANYONE and never have before but YOU ARE very beautiful and special and I felt something about you as you walked on stage. Something special. It was amazing. I got a tingly feeling and I told myself when I hit the buzzer 'Jee lord! I can't let this go!' And so here you are!!!" He says to me and lays down. I find myself laid down with him.

"Why am I so special to you? I'm a single mom with a daughter cute as can be, I work as a receptionist at a doctors office I mean, I'm so boring. But I have a nice voice!" I finish. He is almost passed out now. But still talks.

"Everything you just said makes me want you even more darling. You are just thrilling to me." He says back.

"Thrilling? I think you are thrilling! I mean look at you." We both sat up again to continue the conversation. He got a little closer to me.

"You make conversations so intense my dear. Something about you just draws me to everything you're saying." He says. I get closer.

"Intense? I like intense. The moments are just so remarkable." I put my hands on his neck and slid them to his shoulders. He's so close again.

"I can make things more interesting if you like?" He whispers to me. I gave him a smile in agreement.

"Okay Sir. What ever you say." I whisper back. He slides his hands up the side of my waist, to the my back and pulls my in so me can finally complete that kiss I have been begging for. He moves his hand up to my head and cups the side of my cheeks and neck. I do the same to him. This was amazing. Indeed it was getting very interesting. His movements and mine were so perfect together. His big hands sliding in all the right places on me and his beard scratching my face made me want this even more. It was so perfect. He moves even closer to me which I didn't know was possible. And kisses me even harder then before. His tongue was already inside my mouth and mine was exploding his. I can't believe I'm doing this right now! I haven't felt this crazy in years!  He breaks the kiss.

"You really know how to make me happy don't you?" He says to me with a smile and his eyebrow cocked. I roll my eyes.

"Apparently I do." I say back and push him over so he's laying down now. I crawl on top of him. What am I doing? Am I crazy?  I give him a smirk and start to touch him once again. He touches me as well. He brings me in for a slow yet fast kiss before looking out the window. The sun was popping out of the trees. He checks his watch,


WHAT?! How long were we walking up the steps! Talking? And kissing? Its morning! I have a flight to get to in 8 hours! He lightly pushes me off of him and lays me down next to him and under the covers. He gets under as well. He cuddles me. I melt into his embrace because I haven't felt that in forever.

"Goodnight my darling." He says and puts his head in my neck.

"I think you mean morning silly!" I say back. We laugh again, still as drunk as we were. And soon passed out in the embrace of each other.

The embrace of strangers is sometimes stronger then the embrace of your own family.

Tonight, that was more true then ever.

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