Blind Happiness

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(A/N: Hi everyone reading! I hope you enjoy this little fanfic. I am open to all criticism in the comments. Thanks and enjoy!)
She opened her eyes to see small traces of the glowing morning light. It filled only a small portion of the room the window was in. It felt cozy. Mercy only ever saw the rays of sunshine through the windows of a plane on an early morning mission, or on break days. Today was the latter.
Mercy slowly got out of bed and got ready. She walked past the usual white lab coat she wore to work and grabbed her normal-looking clothes. She slipped on the deep purple shirt with red leggings and a dark red scarf, gifts from the base. Today, Mercy was going out for her break.
Mercy grabbed her bag that had a small communication device and her laptop. She put in a wallet so she could buy food. Once she fixed her hair into a loose ponytail, she walked out of her room into hallways of busy people rushing around to their work stations. Today, she didn't have to be rushing.
On her way to exit the base, she passed the training room. Mercy poked her head in and gave a small wave to her teammate who was beating up some training bots. Reaper looked up and nodded before going back to blasting a bot. He already approved of her break.
Mercy finally made it to the exit of the huge base and, after she was inspected to have her required things before leaving, waltzed out the door to open air. She was planning on getting food then making her own little picnic. After she eventually found a small store, Mercy set up her mini picnic on a small hill close enough to base. She began to think.
She was so lucky that Talon was here for her, giving her purpose. All her strong teammates helped her through her first mission. They saved her from the evils that once held her captive. The more she thought about it, the more she began to realize that she agreed with what Talon was fighting for, now more than ever. But, she still couldn't remember her childhood and other life; she felt like something was missing... or someone...

Phew! I hope that wasn't awful! Please let me know what you think about this story. I should update soon. Buh-bye!!!
(Lol I just came back months later and made edits it should now make sense with the coming chapters!)

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