"I thought those boys were your friends,"

"They're either befriending me because I'm pitiful or just because they have to. They're only my cousin's friends. Everyone knows I'm a Scholarship student. I have to keep up an image so that I don't get kicked out. my grades got worse and I feel so bad.

"I see,"

"He doesn't need to be with me all the time but I just feel so lonely by myself. Nobody wants to be friends with me. Am I that bad of a person? Do they not like me at all?"

"Honey, don't be like this." The doctor pulled the teary eyed Eunseo into her arms and patted her back comfortingly.

"They love you, you have so many people around you that love you. Don't be discourages too fast. There are so much you still haven't discovered yet."

"Thank you, Doctor,"

"I usually don't do this to my students but you can call me unni. I'll welcome you here like a friend does."

"Thank you, unni."


"Are you okay?"

Doyoung's first question when she arrived at their table.

Eunseo nodded softly. She didn't want to look weak. Especially in front of Doyoung since he knows her too well. She has never showed any weaknesses ever since they were kids.

"I don't really believe you, but okay."

"Why didn't you leave first?"

"How can I when you're still here?"

"I don't really matter, do I?"

"Why are you saying that?" a frown appeared on his angelic face and his eyebrows narrowed.

"You have other friends,"

"Eunseo, I don't like what you're saying right now."

"I'm saying the truth though,"

"What's wrong?" His voice turned soft.

"N-nothing," she mumbled.

"Okay then, sit down and eat."

"No, I want to go back to class."

"You just had a freaking nose bleed. Stop stuffing your face into your books and have some food."

"I don't want to,"


"You can't make me!" She hissed and he pulled her arm to sit down but she yanked him off. His arm accidentally hit her face, right in the eye.

"Ah!" She winced in pain and stepped back. Her hand covering her right eye.

"I'm sorry, does it hurt?" He asked, touching her hand.

She nodded vigorously. "It hurts,"

"Let me see it,"




"How am I supposed to help?"

"It hurts, no,"

"Here," he pulled her hand by force and blew on her eye. She winced in pain sharply.

Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"A-are you okay?"

"It hurts!" She pushed him off and tried rubbing her eye.

Ten, who overheard them, held her elbow. "I'll take you to the infirmary,"

"No!" She pulled her arm from him. "You're only saying that because you want to skip classes."

She walked off on her own, with her right eye closed and her left semi closed. She stopped walking when she sensed a pole in front of her.

Doyoung sighed as he approached his cousin, holding her by the shoulder.

"Come on, I'm sorry, I'll take you to the infirmary."


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