Chapter 15

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||| Sky's POV |||

Calum opened the door to reveal multiple people I've never seen before.

"Hey, mates. Glad you could make it." He greeted them.

I scooted slightly closer to Dana who was now standing close to my left, with Niall on her other side. She shot me a quick reassuring look as a group of men stepped into the room.

"Time for quick introductions. Guys, this is Sky. Sky, this is Alex, Jack, Tony, Mike, Rian, Zack, Vic, and Jaime." He pointed to each one, going down the line.

I gave a shy wave with a slight smile.

"Im Vic, leader of Pierce the Veil. My guys are Tony, Mike, and Jaime." Vic told me. He was slightly shorter than the rest, but he stood with a posture that told you he was to be feared.

"I'm Alex, leader of All Time Low. My guys are Rian, Zack, and Jack." He had blue hair, but dirty blonde stubble lined the bottom half of his face.

They all had tattoos running up and down their arms. Some had piercings and some didn't. They all were the kind of guys you steered away from on the street, but them standing here in front of me, they almost seemed harmless. Then again, I've been surrounded by the worlds worst gang for a while now, so my judgment may be impaired.

"I'm Sky." I smiled slightly.

"Good, now we're all friends. Guys, we have a problem and we need help." Ashton told them. He seemed to be taking charge of the situation, so I assumed he was like the VP or something.

"What is it?" Mike asked with a weary look.

"Michael." He looked down.

The room was silent for a minute.

"He did it again, didn't he?" Although it was more like a frustrated statement, it was worded like a question.

"Almost. He's high, locked up in the basement right now. It took all of us to protect her." Harry said.

I looked down with tears in my eyes. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I'm not sure if I'm strong enough for that.

Ashton made his way over to me, giving me a hug as he knew it was what I needed.

He's been by my side for so much, he's honestly becoming a friend.

I wrapped my arms around his chest, as he was much taller than me, and rested my head against him.

I could hear them discussing what to do, but I tried to focus on the soothing hand rubbing across my back as his shirt soaked up my silent tears.

"I'm so sorry that this has happened, but I promise you that we'll get him back on track and keep you safe." He whispered.

The thought had been in the back of my mind, but I was starting to wonder if it was for the best.

I looked up at him, seriousness in my eyes. "I don't know if I want to be here anymore."

He froze, everyone froze, conversation died.

He slowly looked back down at me. "Please don't say that. Please, you don't mean it. We need you here, he needs-"

"If he needs me so much," my eyes watered more and my voice got louder. "Then, why did he almost beat me? If you guys weren't here, I may not be alive. How the hell does that show that he needs me?" I dropped my arms from around him and took a step back, wiping my tears.

"He wasn't in his right mind. He didn't mean it, please. You know if you leave, we will track you down again. We need you here. If you won't do it for him, do it for us. The ones who protected you, the ones who have you in our hearts as part of our family." He looked deeply into my eyes.

I can't leave. I know this. I didn't say anything, I just sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.

Conversation slowly but surely started back up, but I could only sit there and think.

Feet appeared on the floor in front of me, causing me to look up to see Ashton with a weary look in his eyes.

"Please don't put us all through the trauma that comes with you leaving," He said sadly.

"I won't," I assured him, even though trauma seemed a bit extreme.

He sighed in relief, muttering a quiet sentence of thanks.

"So, what's the plan with all of this?" Changing the subject was something I'd learned could fix a sad mood.

"Well," he sighed, thinking deeply, "I think that we're going to do a mini-at-home-rehab with him. Make sure he doesn't do drugs again, cut off his connection with whoever dealt it to him. We'll have to watch over him for a while afterwards, but I think since we caught this early it will be so much more easier than last time."

"Easier? How?" I questioned him with confusion flooding my voice.

"Last time, his body was already hooked deeply, so he kept trying to find anything that would make him feel normal again. He would sneak around and bribe body guards, and do whatever he could really. It was hard, but it will always be worth it."


He did this so much that it had become his normal. Why would he destroy himself like that? It didn't make any sense.

But actually, it did. It was his addiction. It took his pain away. His drugs were my self harm. It's his way of making himself feel okay, making himself feel normal.

I hate that I understand how he feels, in a way, but I like that I can relate and try to help him.

Hello my rainbow Dolphins!!!

Don't ask.

How are all of you?!


QOTC: What is school like for you?

AOTC: Man, my school has all the stereo types. I'm with the emo/gay/awkward people. I talk to a few different people. But I fucking love my friends you don't even know.
What about you?

Gender Fluid/non binary pineapples,
I'm very sorry for my HYPERNESS.
I am a brown paper bag full of rainbows, awkward pixie dust, OXYGEN, and darkness.

I have this thing, called weird, where I get hyped. For nœ reason. At random times.

But it inspired me to FINISH THIS CHAPTER even if it is COMPLETE TRASHHHHH.

Is this the part where you yell at me and tell me to chill?

Because I would if I was you.
Because I need to chillll.
But it's all good man. It's all good. It's good. In the hood. Hood.


Okay I'm done

CalUms peNiS

Okay bye.

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