Chapter 8

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||| Michaels POV |||

I pulled out my phone and called Ashton.

"Where the fuck are you guys?" I asked as soon as he picked up.

"Home, why? We figured you guys might want some alone time so we walked." He responded casually.

"It's Chucky." I growled.

"Fuck, shit! Guys we need to go! Now!! Where are you? Where's Sky?" He started frantically running around.

"I sent her off with the tracker, but one of his guys was following her." I responded as I stopped to breath and figure out what I needed to do. 

"Get in the car!! Where are you? We're not letting you do this alone." He asked with concern.

"I'm right down the road from the carnival. Hurry up." I ordered.

"On our way." He said quickly before hanging up.

I pulled up the tracking thing in my phone and waited for it to connect to where she was.

"Come on, come on." I mumbled to myself.

My stomach dropped as the three words appeared in my screen.


I almost cried when I saw it.

"Please be okay, Sky. I need you to be okay. I'm coming for you."

||| Sky's POV |||

I woke up and it was completely dark, the only light was from the moon shining through the trees.

I stood up, feeling achy from the position I slept in. Pain radiated through my back from being pressed on the rock.

I looked around and saw the body, making me feel sick.

I killed someone.

Just the thought makes me want to throw up.

As soon as I thought that, bile rose from my stomach, making me hunch over to release the foul tasting liquid.

I wiped my mouth with my shirt and took a couple deep breaths.

Michael hasn't come to get me yet.

He's either unable to come get me, or unable to find me.

If he's unable to get me, then I should go try to find one of the others.

If he's unable to find me..... Why wouldn't the tracker be working right now?

The trees.

The trees are blocking the signal.

I started back towards the way I came.

After I while, I started getting tired. Maybe I'm going the wrong way.

I saw the carnival rides light up through the trees, proving my thoughts wrong.

As hope spread through my body, I started running.

I got to the edge of the trees when I started feeling nauseous.

I didn't want to go back towards the carnival, so I started walking on the side of the road.

My breathing got heavy and my vision blurred, but I tried to keep walking anyways.

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