Thanks for the help Brendon

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Tw: slight use of marijuana brownies
  I didn't edit this so I hope it's still good

I had a nice time with Tyler this weekend, after the boner incident it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, we watched movies and played video games. We ate pizza and drove down to the forest, he was so sweet.
   He had just dropped me off at my house, it's Sunday night and we have school tomorrow so I should be getting ready, I just had to make a quick phone call first.

I took out my phone and clicked the only person in my contacts that could help me.
Brendon was one of the few people that actually talked to me. The reason he was the only one that could help is because Brendon had more boyfriends than anyone I knew. I'm not saying he's a slut, I just don't know a lot of people.

I called Brendon and we started to talk until I brought up my question. I didn't worry about him laughing because he was a nice guy, he wouldn't do that.

"Okay okay wait, so you want to but, your just shy?"

"Yeah that's basically the problem"

"So you want something that'll calm you down? Something that will make you less shy?"

I thought about it for a minute, that sounded like a good idea, a great one. It just sounded too good to be true, that their was something out there that could do that.

"Yes, that's what I want"

I couldn't see his face over the phone but I knew he was smiling.

"I've got just the thing, I'll give it to you tomorrow after 5th, dose that sound good to you?"


"Okay, see you tomorrow Josh"

"See ya Brendon, thanks for the help"

"No problem "

I hung up the phone and smiled, I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I'm glad that I had a friend like Brendon who could help me  with this.
I got my stuff ready for school and then I took a shower, I usually go to bed around midnight but I felt overcome with sleep at 10:40.

Time skip to the next day/ at school

First period was always so boring, but honestly how fun can teachers make geometry? I had no one to talk to in that class but I didn't mind that much because I was passing and if I had people to talk to and distract me I probably wouldn't be passing. I was wearing black pants and my black jumper with a Sum 41 shirt under, too bad no one would be able to see it.
Second period was without a doubt my favorite period, Art.
I had Tyler in that class, he sat two seats away from me. I walked in and saw him already at his desk. I sat at mine and of course he came up and sat in the seat next to me, it was still empty cause kids were still walking to their second class, geometry is just three classes down from the art room so I got here early.

"Hi Joshie"

He kissed my cheek and I smiled at him.

"How was geometry?"

"It was fine, how was Marine Bio?"

He shrugged his shoulders , he didn't like that class and I couldn't blame him, the teacher was strict but she had good intentions, I'm probably the only person to consider her sweet. Though I'll admit that she has her moments where I want to jump out the two story window to escape her class.

  We heard someone clear their throat, we both turned and saw Jenna. Jenna's a sweet girl, before I started dating Tyler she was the only one to talk to me in art class and in English, which I had for 6th.

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