64. "Yes ma'am."

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I picked up a few things from my old home-- Martin's trailer, just grabbing anything I wouldn't want stolen, since I was going back to Texas for awhile, until I've come to terms that Martin is gone.

I got a text from Trish, saying Jack and Danger were already fast asleep so I didn't need to rush myself.

Which was nice, so I took my time, I sat on our old bed and remembered the day he gave me the necklace that still rests near my heart.

Or all the late nights and early mornings with baby Danger.

I left the trailer at a quarter to 1am, tired and a little groggy as I pulled up to our big ole house.

Before I could turn the headlights off, I saw another set flicker on before someone pulled away in my Martin's pickup.

I started following the thief as Trish watched the kids. It was dark so I couldn't see who they were, but I didn't care who they were or how scary they were, they weren't going to take my husband's truck.

They slowed down and pulled along a small pathway that seemed familiar but it was too dark to see much of anything, all I knew was that it was far out of town.

They came to a complete stop near one of those pretty views in the hiking trails of Los Angeles, the ones where you can see for miles and miles-- the whole city's skyline. They stopped and I stopped a few yards behind them.

I turned off my headlights as a man got out, his hair was long and he had a thick beard. I got out, my loaded gun tucked in my pants. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I spoke loudly and angrily to the man I couldn't see.

"Put your hands up and don't be stupid." I said pulling my gun out and pointing it at him. I heard him scoff, "This isn't how I wanted to surprise you." A southern accent spoke and my heart slowed its pace as I reached into my Jeep and turned on my headlights.

Martin shielded his eyes as he stood ten feet in front of me, I dropped my gun as I stood in disbelief. My husband who I thought was dead for almost a year was standing before me, his hair long and curly, his face covered in a untrimmed beard.

"Martin?" I whispered as I walked closer to him, knowing I had to be either dreaming or on drugs. "I've missed you." He spoke softly as a tear ran down my cheek, I got to him and lightly touched his cheekbone. His eyes closed instantly, his hands finding my waist, "You.. You died almost a year ago." I spoke softly, just above a whisper. "No, mama, I didn't."

He gently brought me into a warm hug, my nerves, my anxiety, my strung out brain, my tired body and worn out heart all seemed to be at rest as he held me.

I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck as I realized that this was real, he was back from the grave, I began to sob, not having any control over my emotions right about now.

"Don't you ever leave me again." I cried as he held me tightly, "Yes, ma'am." He spoke in my hair and my knees nearly buckled.

"You're tall." I whispered, "I know." He said and I could hear his smile in his voice, I smiled as I softly sobbed, holding him as tightly as I could.

A/N oh snap look who finally updated

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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