48. Junior Detectives

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"Why did they put me up for adoption and not her? What's so special about her? I'm the one who is a Detective, a good Detective." I still yammered about Lexie the next day, not cooling down at all.

I scoffed lightly as I looked at Riggs who leaned on the countertops across from me in our mini kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a mess." I said sipping my coffee, "A hot mess." He smirked and I laughed.

"Hurry up and put a shirt on, we have to drop Danger off at the babysitters." I said as he walked over to me, "Don't be nervous." He said grabbing my shaking hands, "She can shadow someone else--" "No, it's really okay.. But if I murder her, I'm calling you to help me get rid of the body." I joked and he smiled before he kissed me, and almost on cue- Delilah started to fuss as she woke up on the big bed, all by herself.

I sighed as I rested my head on Martin's bare chest, before I went to feed and change the small girl and Martin was going to shower and change.


I carried some files across the office before setting them at Bailey's desk, so she could find our perps.

I turned and bumped shoulders with Lexie, "Not here." I said shaking my head, telling her I couldn't fight with her now.

She almost spoke before I walked back to my desk.

I sat down with a sigh, "How's it going?" Riggs asked and I shrugged, "I've been avoiding her all day." I said filling out some paperwork.

"Avery said I have to take her on this arrest with me, so that should be interesting." I said with a plastered smile.

"Actually, I have to go." I said looking up at the clock, "I'll see you when I get back, alright? I love you." I said rolling towards him and placed a kiss on his lips, he told me to hurry back before telling me he loved me too.

"Delgado, come on." I said looking at my little sister, she jumped from her small desk in the corner and nearly fell as she tried to catch up with me.

I looked over at Riggs and he smirked, a coffee cup in his hands.

The car ride was silent, until she spoke up, "Why don't you talk to me? Because I'm dying to talk to you." She blurted.

I glanced at her, my face as hard as stone, "What is there to say? We're barely sisters, we were raised by different mothers and fathers. As far as I'm concerned, the Murtaugh's are my only family." I said, speaking how I felt.

"I know our parents didn't raise you, but they raised me. They might've not been there for you but they were wonderful to me." She said and I scoffed.

"If you're trying to make a point, your not doing very good." I said.

"What did I ever do to you to be treated this way? I didn't put you up for adoption! I wasn't even born yet!" She raised her voice as I parked and got out of the car.

"I want to know why did they not want me? Why did they get rid of me and keep you? Think about that, put yourself in my shoes.. I was the unwanted one. So no, I'm not thrilled to find out I have a younger sister who had two parents that wanted her." I said as we stood in the parking lot, yelling over the car.

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