Don't Go

530 28 21

Ling:  Play song when I tell you to, or else you will ruin the mood of the story.  It will fit perfectly, or at least that's what I think, when it's near the end of the chapter.  Warning, the goes from a cheerful good mood to a sadder/darker one.  Also, at the end I will ask you a question concerning Sahiye so PLEASE answer by commenting what you want.  Now enjoy and sorry for the late update.  P.S. That's Kaito's picture up above.

Sahiye's Pov

I continue hugging him for a while until all my tears has dried.  And he lets me, while occasionally telling me it's alright and I'm safe, it makes me want to cry more when I hear his voice.  He looks slightly different like I am also different, but we are still the same.  Even if only I remember and he does not.

"I'm sorry, I got your shirt all wet because of my tears," I say letting him go and wiping away the remaining tears.  My eyes are probably red because of all the tears I've cried and I must look like a mess.  I guess it's a good thing that I have the cloth covering my face.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize.  You must have been very scared, am I right?"  He says sympathetic while looking at me with caring eyes.  I can tell that he is the same good person he was in the past.

"Yeah, that's right," I lie because I can't tell him the real reason why I cried.  I know they will think I am crazy and also because this kingdom hates me, even till now.  I heard stories that mothers were telling their children about all the "evil" things I did and everyone doesn't like the me in the past.  I can tell that even mama and Zen, Ren, and Ken don't like the "past" Sahiye.  So if they find out that I am the me in the past, I can't help but hate the thoughts of them hating me now because I finally have a family that loves me.  Papa doesn't hate me since he isn't from this kingdom so I am happy about that.  But whenever I see my mother cringe when Zen and everyone else calls me Sahiye, it makes me feel hated and I hate it.  "Thank you, and sorry again."  I say sighing and step away from him.

"Really, it's no problem.  My name is Toshio Raiden Yamasaki, what's yours?"  He asks me smiling.

"Sahiye," I say deciding not to tell him my full name.  "Are you, from this country or are you from Zestria?"


He paused for a moment, thinking and I knew in that moment of slight hesitation that he is from Zestria.

"Yes, I'm from Zestria."  He admits after the moment of silence.  "Are you going to tell anyone?"  He asks me serious.

"No," I smile shaking my head.  "I wont tell anyone, I promise."  He smiles too.

"You know it's kind of odd that my middle name and your first name  is the names of the most famous people in our kingdoms.  Sahiye and Raiden, huh."  He says surprised.  "Not to mention I'm a prince and I'm guessing based on your appearance that you are from an influenced family.  Our positions are the same as them from the past," he says laughing.  

"Yeah, is it ok if I call you, Raiden," I say hesitation when I ask him this.  He looks at me surprised and he is silent for a moment.  He looks sad but then confused why he is sad.

"Sure, I don't mind," he says and smiles.  "In return, can I call you Sahiye without calling you lady or anything," he asks.

"I don't mind, in fact, my father came from your kingdom and named me this so mostly people I'm close to calls me this so I'll be happy if we can become, friends, and get to know each other," I tell him pausing at friends and then smiling to hide my sadness of asking this.

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