Chapter 11: My Future Sister

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He jumped and looked at me. "W-What"?

"You better not give her that. It's full of sugar. Mr. I drown everything in syrup".

He laughed. "Sorry I thought my baby girl would want a taste".

"No she's too small for all that".


I rolled my eyes. "Give me my child". I said taking Bella from him.

I finished my plate while Bella tried to reach for it. Then I gave Shelly Ethan and my plate.

"Baby come on".


He looked at me. "We are going to talk to my sister".


"Yes ma'am we". He grabbed my hand and we walked to his office.

Once we got to his office I put Bella in her playpen. And yes she has one cause when Ethan works and he watches her sometimes he puts her in there.

I sat on his couch.

"Baby everything will be fine. Stop being nervous. I can feel your emotions remember".

I tried to calm my nerves. What if she lies on me. And says she didn't say anything.

Ethan was bent over playing with Bella. He really loves her.

Soon Tammy walked into the office. And Ethan stood up.

"You wanted me bro".

Ethan looked at her in a disappointed look. "Sit down".

She sat beside me and looked at me in disgust when Ethan turned his back to go sit at his desk.

"Tammy what have you been saying to your Luna".

She shook her head. "Uhh I don't know what you are talking about".

My mouth just opened.

"Tammy I'm your older brother not an idiot. I know when you are lying. I taught you that".

I closed my mouth.

Tammy sighed. "Well I said she doesn't belong here. You don't need her".

"See people have been saying you are a real mean bitch. But you know I wouldn't let them disrespect you like that but this one right here". He pointed to me.

"This girl is my mate and I will fight to make sure she is good. And I'm sorry but I put her first before you little sis and for you to talk bad and disrespect my mate your Luna is unacceptable".

"But I-"

"But nothing. You don't get away with this".

"What are you going to do".

"First tell me why you did that"?

She shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't want another girl in your life".

He looked at her. "Why"?

"Since mom and dad were killed you have been busy busy busy and it hasn't been the same".

"I have a job to do Tammy. I'm sorry I'm not there for you like I should but that's why Patrick is there. He is your mate. He is suppose to protect care and be there for you. But that doesn't give you the right to be a bitch to people. You were such a sweet girl and if your actions continue I will have to put you in the dungeon".

She sighed. And she looked at me.

"I'm really sorry Melody I really am".

She got up and was almost out the door.

"Oh no you still have a punishment". Ethan said.

She turned around.

"For the next week you will be helping the cleaning staff clean the entire house".

"A whole week"? She whined.


"But this this is a huge place".

"I don't care. Now you may go".

She smacked her lips. "Man". And walked out the door.

Ethan got up and came over to me and sat on the couch. He pulled me on his lap.

"I'm glad you believed me".

"Trust me I know my sister". He kissed my cheek.

"I love you baby".

"Love you too Ethan".

He moved my chin and kissed my lips.








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