~ Facing up ~ [Chapter 6]

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~  Facing up ~  [Chapter 6]

            I knew I had to face Lou eventually but I wasn’t in a hurry. I don’t know what it was that was holding me back except the feeling was the same one that I got whenever I asked – or tried to ask – Lou about her … condition. But when mom asked me about my session and Lou was standing right there, I could see no way around it.

            “It was … strange.” I answered honestly. Mom gave me a worried look and came closer to me. “Throughout the entire time I kept getting this weird feeling like … I don’t know… maybe I’m just overreacting.” Mom frowned and Lou walked around the kitchen hovering her trailing fingers on every surface as she circled us. I felt oddly safe with her circling us and I started to tell them both all my worries as my eyes followed her every movement.

            “Was he acting strange to make you feel that way?” my other asked firmly. My eyes snapped to hers in surprise. What was she getting at? “Was he acting too friendly? Was he asking you questions that Dr. Folon has never asked?” In the corner of my eye, I could see that Lou had frozen but I didn’t break eye contact with my mother.

            “No,” I replied flatly. “He wasn’t and he didn’t. He was completely professional and not creepy at all.” I could feel the unreasonable frustration grow inside me. “He was a lot better than Folon could have dreamed.” My mother gave me a weary look and nodded.

            “I just want you to feel safe, Sweetie” she whispered making me instantly guilty. “I’m sorry I brought it up.” I shook my head, waving off her apology.

            “Don’t worry about it, mom” I smiled as brightly as I could. Rich and I got this all under control.” I hugged her quickly then passed her and ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. I wasn’t surprised to see that Lou was already perched on the tip of my computer chair.

            “You told Rich but you wouldn’t tell me.” She wasn’t asking. She was just thinking out loud. I gave her a few moments to let it sink in. Then, without looking up, I nodded once.

“I’m coming in with you next time.” She said simply, as if it would solve everything.

“No, Lou! We have a deal. You wait for me in the waiting room.” I saw the stubborn look on her face and I knew I had to convince her. “You’re too distracting to be around at the sessions! Do you want him to prescribe me new pills?!” I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. Just like mom had just slipped up moments ago, I slipped up now. The pain in her eyes made my heart hurt.

We were silent for a long agonizing moment before I was able to look into her eyes. What I saw there was defiance like that I’ve never seen in her eyes before.

“OK. How about you see him when I’m heading in?” I suggested, desperately looking for some kind of truce. “You know, I’ll stand at the door longer than necessary or something. And you can peek in.” I looked at her nervously to see her reaction and it seemed like she was considering it.

“You’ll know exactly what I mean when you see him. You’ll recognize him just like I did and maybe you’ll know where we’ve seen him before…” I trailed off when I realized she wasn’t answering. And waited patiently to see what she would say.

Looking back, I wish I’d been stubborn and not quick to fix my slipup. Because little did I know, everything would change.

And my life would turn out to be a lie.

Fallen For The Dead (#Wattys2015)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon