~Hospitalized~ [Chapter 9]

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~Hospitalized~ [Chapter 9]

“All this waiting is agonizing,” I groaned looking over at Rich who was sitting two seats away. My knees would soon have a permanent indentation of my elbows with the pressure of my head in my hands. And Rich was no better with his back hunched and his arms draped on top of his thighs as his head hung down in shame. I felt guilty for making him feel so bad. It was an accident after all.

“Look, Rich, I..” But that was just it. I didn't know what “I” was. What I was doing or saying. “I looked at him pleadingly for a long time. “I'm just so worried Rich. What if this is it?” I could feel the pain tearing at me from the inside and I didn't know what I was feeling. Mad? Sad? Determined? Ugh. This was all too much. And my eyes kept burning. Crap, I'm being so… Emotional.

I took a deep breath and looked over at Rich again. And for a second I saw my own pain mirrored in his eyes.

For a second I froze. What was that about? I guess Rich has known Lou just as long as I have. And he's the only one who actually seems to believe in her…

Just then, my internal rambling was interrupted before I could jump to any conclusions. And my name was called to go from the ER waiting room and into the actual ER. And as if on cue, I saw my mother rushing in to the waiting area, red-faced and out of breath.

Ignoring the promise Rich and I had made to the nurse about keeping pressure on my cut, I threw my hands around my mothers waist and buried my face in her neck. I'd apparently grown taller since the last time I'd hugged her like this because she seemed so short to me now.

With my arms secured around my mother and Rich patting me on the back, I knew that these were the two people I could really trust. And the only other person who would make this circle of people I cared for complete was … Louisa.

All the pain I was keeping at bay suddenly came crashing back when I thought of that and all the pent up anguish I was feeling came out in rush of hot tears. A small part of me couldn't believe I was sobbing in such a public place but at lease I had a wound I could blame it on. And I least Louisa wasn't here to see how week I was.

After I'd gotten rid of the hitching in my breath every time I inhaled, the doctor was nearly done with my stitches. Mom was looking at me with worry and was trying as best as she could to answer the Doctor’s questions. Rich helped her a little but if I didn't know better I’d think he was in much shock as I was at today’s events.

Oh. Shock. That's what the high school nurse had meant. I was in shock, I hadn't been shocked. I suddenly felt a lot calmer and levelheaded. I could think past my pain. In fact, I wasn't really feeling any pain. I felt kinda numb and sleepy. My hand felt heavy and I could feel the tugging of the skin where they were finishing up the stitches. But no pain. Not physical or emotional.

Whatever they gave me to take away the pain, I needed to recommend it for Rich. He looked terrible. I realized I had no idea why… What could possibly have him looking that bad? Next thing I knew, everything was getting dark and the uncomfortable hospital bed felt as soft as a waterbed.

And then there was Louisa. Looking down on me with worry… Why was she worried…? My hand felt like it was being wrapped in bubble rap and just as soon as I felt it the sensation disappeared. And so did Louisa and the world around her.

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