~Obligations~ [Chapter 15]

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~Obligations~ [Chapter 15]

"She is -" the doc started but Lou cut him off, bursting into tears.

"Please," she begged, and I wanted to punch this guy in the face. "Please, please don't say it." But I refrained as I silently begged him to say it. The curiosity was driving me nuts.

"This is your fault for not telling him!" He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Shut up, Eric! He doesn't need to know. Besides, if you cared so much why'd you just appear in his life now?" She was really getting into it, huffing and heaving in anger. "I thought for sure that day when you let him see you that you would say something, but no. You chose not to. All these years, you've been watching from a distance. You had an obligation to him just as much as I did!" I was so confused that my head began to hurt.

"Eric? Obligation to me?" I was so lost. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you dare, Eric!" She said getting up and waving a finger. He opened his mouth, looked from me to Louisa and closed his mouth.

"You're absolutely right, Lou. Ank was my obligation just as much to me as he was to you?" He ignored me when I protested at the nickname. "Those people are really good to him, Lou! And what was I supposed to say? 'Hey there, thanks for raising him, but I'll take it from here?' Never mind that they thought he was crazy because of you!" This bickering seriously wasn't going to end.

"I'm right here, you know!" I boomed loud enough that they both looked at me. "I wanna know what the hell is going on!" They both looked at me silently for a minute.

"See," Eric the doc said to Louisa. "He wants to know!"

"But he doesn't need to know!" She argued.

"Louisa! He needs to know!" At his yelling she burst into tears. And that was it. I'd had it.

"Don't talk to her like that!" I yelled back at him going to stand in front of her and blocking his view of her.

"She's my sister too, I can talk to her as I like!" He growled. Sheesh, what a joke. He's way to immature for a therapist. Suddenly, what he'd just said sunk in and I whipped around to face Lou.

"Did he just call you his sister?" I asked incredulously. She nodded slowly, eyes wide, measuring my reaction. "His 'sister too'" I said slowly, feeling the words in my mouth. Weighing their meaning in my head. If you're his sister... Too... Than you're ... Who else's sister?" I said this all dumbly. My lips moving slowly and feeling heavy. Like I couldn't figure it it. But in reality, I was waiting for her to tell me I was wrong. But she didn't. And I couldn't say it. My arms hung heavily by my sides. My whole body felt like lead.

"Frank," Eric said, trying to calm me down. I realized there were tears in my eyes and I was backing away from my... Sister.

"I'm your twin, Ank. There were complications when I was born. You made it out ok but, mom and I didn't make it." I fell to my knees but I never made it to the floor this time. Eric grabbed me around my arms and led me to the plush therapy chair I'd been sitting in before. And I let out one of the deepest breaths I'd ever let out. It felt like my soul was coming out threw my breath.

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