How Have You Been?

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A/N: I'm in a sad mood right now sooo... yeah.

•|Christmas after I showered|•
"Hey. Long time no see." I heard my ex-boyfriend, Eric, call out. "H-How did you... get in here Eric?" I whimpered. "Oh I told the guy named Sam that I was your cousin and that I needed to talk to you." He explained.

He still looked gorgeous. His jawline was so sharp that it could've cut me when I kissed it along time ago. His eyes were a bright blue, but they've gotten duller lately, his lips, God his lips, they were full, pink and looked chapped and soft, his black hair was cut where it flipped over and it was wavy, it now had blonde streaks all in it. He was tan, almost brown, but not quite there. His arms were still muscular, and he wore a tight grey v-neck t-shirt, with nice blue jeans, and black Nike shoes, he wore a grey beanie on top of his head, and a black zip up jacket on.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain how you found me. Hey, let me get dressed and I'll sit down and talk with you." I said walking towards my door, he nodded and followed me, I stuck my hand out, "Alone."

I walked into my bedroom and put on some black laced underwear and bra,(like you needed to know) I stood in front of my full bodied mirror. I looked at all the scars on my legs and stomach. I swallowed a large lump in my throat. It had suddenly become very hard to talk around him. I stared my body, disgusted. My black hair falling down my face, it looked dull, my grey eyes looked almost white, my lips weren't perfect, they were red from me biting them, my nose was slightly upturned, but me looking at it it looked absolutely huge, my stomach wasn't skinny, my hips had stretch marks, my thighs were huge. My breasts weren't huge, like most women Eric and Dean liked, they were big but not big enough, my shoulders were broad and they stuck out. Disgusting, I hate you. I hate everything about you, the way you look, act, talk, breathe. I hate it.

My body was shaking, I sat back on my bed, barely able to breathe, I searched in my drawers, finally finding what I wanted, sharp and shiny. I pushed the blade into my leg, gasping as I felt it pierce my skin, and I drug it across my leg. Doing this multiple times. I brought the blade up to my stomach and did the same. By now my legs were stained with blood.

"She's fucking disgusting. Kasey." I heard Eric say on the phone. I was pretending to be asleep next to him as he talked  "Oh yeah, this relationship won't last long. I'll break up with her by either her finding out about Sarah and me, or I'll just embarrass her in the cafeteria. Huh? Oh yeah don't worry about her family. They're- Oh yeah, yeah, I got it don't worry! Bye." He said hanging up the phone. A hot tear slipped down my face. He left the room, I quickly packed everything that I had, he had left the house for a while. I wrote him a note:
Next time you're on the phone, make sure the person you're talking about isn't around. And make sure they're asleep. You don't have to worry about me being disgusting to you anymore. And Sarah? Go have fun with her. Love her more than you loved me. Just know the next time I see you, I'll pretend like we never happened.
Xoxo~ Kasey.

I grabbed my stuff and left for college.
(End flashback)

Crying, I called Dean,
Calling Dean...
"Hello?" He said through the phone.
"Dean? Where are you?" I asked.
"In the main room, why?" He asked sounding worried.
"Can you come to my room? Please?" I said letting out a sob.
"Yeah hold on babe." He said hanging up.

A couple seconds later he knocked on the door, "Come in." I said he opened the door and saw my bloody legs and stomach, his eyes went wide and he ran to me, he wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth. "Dean? Do you think I'm disgusting? Or in anyway horrible?" I asked barely above a whisper. "No baby." He said clearing his throat, "All I see is a beautiful, gorgeous girl that I'm lucky to have in my life. She has the prettiest eyes, that never cease to amaze me. Her hair is always perfect, and her nose is super cute," he said kissing my nose " her stomach has a little pudge on it but it's okay to have that. Everyone does. Her hips are beautiful, stretch marks and all. And her thighs, oh her thighs, they make the best pillow for my tired head, they're soft and beautiful. Her breasts, they're so gorgeous. Even though I haven't seen them yet. And your scars... the world gives them to you. No need to manufacture your own. And your lips, they're are the softest lips I've kissed, plump and pink." He said kissing me.

I smiled at him for a while. He smiled back. I grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards, so he's laying beside me. He kissed me, and I kissed back. He threw me on his hips, sitting up he pulled his shirt off in a swift movement, barely breaking the kiss, he put his hand on the small of my back, and the other on my thigh. "Dean... I-I think I'm ready..." I whispered to him. He nodded and he laid me down and he stripped the rest of the way, and I stripped down. I laid there. Dean said nothing just stared. "Is everything alright?" I asked almost scared for the answer. "No not at all. Everything is perfect" he said. And you can guess what happened then.

He pulled me close, and wrapped his arms around me, his naked body warm against my cold skin, I hadn't done that in along time since the last time I was with Eric. He made me feel great. I pulled the blanket up against us and I fell asleep to his slow breathing and slow heart beat.

Sorry about this chapter. I just think this book needed something sad like this. I don't know why. And btw Eric left and Sam figured out it wasn't her cousin. He said "look dude. Don't know and don't care who you are but you need to make like a tree and leaf." So yeah I'm gonna make like a butterfly and fly away.

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