Oh Crap...

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•|Tuesday Evening|•
Dean was still frantically searching the living room for God knows what. It took a couple hours to get his attention back "DEAN!" I yelled "Huh? Kasey what is it?" He said looking up staring innocently. "You zoned out for like three hours! What the hell? You scared me Dean!" I lowered my voice at him.
"Oh I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." he said looking down. I placed my hand on his jaw, and tilted his head upwards.

His eyes were glossed over, as if he was about to start crying, "D-Dean? A-Are you okay?" I asked my voice wavering, he didn't answer me "Hey, hey, hey, look at me Dean." I said calmly cupping his cheek, "What's wrong?" I asked again. "I left Sammy home alone. He's gonna die without me there!" He yelled and started grabbing his stuff from where he was sitting. "I'll give you a ride, if you need one?" I suggested "Yeah, yeah that's fine." We got in my car and I drove off, listening to his directions.

We got there shortly after and there were no cars at the bunker looking thing. "Is he home? Will 'Sammy' tell on you? If you need to stay at my house you can," I said. "Just come with me. Please." He begged. I nodded my head and turned the car off, getting out he ran to the front door of the 'bunker', I slowly walked to the front door, "Dean?" I called out, "Downstairs!" I heard someone yell back.

I walked downtairs to find this younger kid sitting on his bed with tears in his eyes, "Oh, dude, are you okay?" I asked getting on my knees. He shook his head 'no' I looked at him sadly "What's wrong, S-Sammy right?" He nodded his head yes to answer my question of his name "It's also Sam actually. You promise not to tell?" He corrected me first then begged me "Of course Sam,I'm Kasey by the way," I said grabbing his hands. He got up and shut the door, "Has Dean seen you?" I asked before he told me what was wrong "No not yet and he won't. Please don't tell him." He begged again "Okay."

"I was at school today, like a normal kid, and this, I-I don't remember his name, kid was messing with my stuff, and I asked him nicely to stop, right? Well he looked at me with cold eyes, and said 'And what if I don't?' I told him nothing will happen except me beating your ass in a fight. He stood up and walked towards me. I got up, scared that I was gonna have to fight him, he kept walking towards me, he got right in my face. I said 'Hey dude back off.' But h-he pushed me, and I went flying backwards and hit my head really hard, I-I tried to stand up and fight but I couldn't, my head had hurt to much, it felt like I was bleeding, I eventually stood up, punched him in the nose and ran home, I went to the kitchen to get a paper towel and I was bleeding, like really bad bleeding, and I feel really light headed too, Kasey. There is a whole bunch of bloody paper towels in the trashcan. If Dean finds out, he'll beat the crap out of that kid!" He said in tears, I went and looked at the trashcan and sure enough, like he said, bloody paper towels filled the whole thing. I picked him up and carried him out of the house to my car, and sat him down. "Go to sleep for right now, I'll be right back. Okay?" I told him and ran inside, I wrote Dean a letter saying this:
Dean, went to the hospital with Sammy, something happened at school today so I'm taking him to the hospital.
I ran to the car and started it up and drove to the hospital, I carried Sam in and gave him to the nurse, she carried him through big swinging doors, I sat down scared for Sam, I heard this loud car, like Chevy loud, and saw Dean get out of the car, it was an Impala four doors, and a '67 from what I could tell. He ran through the doors, "Kasey, what happen to Sam?" He demanded "I can't tell you cause Sam made me promise not to tell you." I told him. "Kasey. If you know me, you need to tell me." He said terrifyingly calm. "Sam told me if I told you, you'd beat the crap outta this kid. So I can't tell you." I said quietly. He stared at me I started to notice something that I didn't notice before, his eyes were flicking from an emerald green, to a pitch black, "What the..." I trailed off my jaw slacked, Oh dear God, I know what he is... he's, he's, a d-demon... I thought.

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