It was 6pm when dad came in and 10 minutes after Kelly came in with my dinner (Jacket potato which I will not touch now) which I did eat.

After I had finished one of the doctors came back in and spoke to my mum and dad, I couldn't hear what he was saying but I heard him say it wasn't meningitis I seen mum and dad look a little happier, the doctor told them they were just waiting on one more result to come back.

Half hour later the two doctors come back in with a lady doctor and Kelly who had a tray of injections and a bag of fluid, the lady took mum and dad out the room to talk to them privately.

When they came back in it looked like they had been crying but I didn't mention it all I asked was if they were okay and they both said yes. (Which of course was a lie)

The doctors told mum and dad and myself I needed to have a scan on my stomach. My mum and dad came in the room with me because I've never had scans in my life so all this was a bit overwhelming.

After I had the scan we went back to the room and had to wait for the results whilst we were waiting my older brother (who was 14) phoned my dad up to see how things was, dad said they were ok and told Kaleb to go and get Devlin and Arlo from next door because mum would be home soon.

Half hour later the doctors came back in and said the scans had in fact confirmed it was Leukaemia and I would have to go to Birmingham hospital for treatment (now it didn't click to me that it was a type of blood cancer) and dad had decided he was going to stay with me.

So, while we were waiting for them to sort the paperwork and get an ambulance sorted out, dad and mum's friends who was also working with my dad, came to sit with me whilst dad took mum home and picked up some clothes for him and me. Their names were Aaron and Char.

When dad came back, the ambulance had arrived and we had to climb in and then we went off to Birmingham with flashing lights (That meant one thing it was a life-threatening thing)

It was about midnight when we arrived at the children's hospital, we were admitted to ward 15 (which is their cancer ward) and all my paperwork was handed over and they set me into a bed. Both dad and I was tired so we tried to go asleep but the nurses kept coming in for blood pressure checks and everything else every other hour and then we had the joys of someone snoring.

13 November 2012

(The rest of the days are very blurry still so this might be short)

The next day, I had to have even more tests done and dad had a lot of meetings as well

The tests where A lumbar puncture -Lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is a medical procedure in which a needle is inserted into the spinal canal, most commonly to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic testing. The main reason for a lumbar puncture is to help diagnose diseases of the central nervous system, including the brain and spine. Examples of these conditions include meningitis and subarachnoid haemorrhage. It may also be used therapeutically in some conditions. Increased intracranial pressure is a contraindication, due to risk of brain matter being compressed and pushed toward the spine. Sometimes, lumbar puncture cannot be performed safely. It is regarded as a safe procedure, but post-Dural-puncture headache is a common side effect.

Bone marrow biopsy- the removal of a small quantity of marrow from the centre of a flat bone, e.g. the crest of the pelvis, by means of a syringe and a thick needle


14 November 2012

Today was spent dad in another meeting and I also found out that leukaemia was Cancer, I only found out because there was a folder with a book in it called Joe has leukaemia and it told me in there that it was cancer.

I was scared to say the least because my Grandad had died from Cancer so when dad came back from his meeting I instantly asked if I was going to die. I didn't know what to do but dad reassured me that I wasn't going to die (though the doctors said they don't think I would respond to the treatment) and I started chemotherapy that night

 I didn't know what to do but dad reassured me that I wasn't going to die (though the doctors said they don't think I would respond to the treatment) and I started chemotherapy that night

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20 November 2012

Sorry I haven't updated you in a while, I've been dealing with trying to take tons of tablets which I kind of kick off with it, but today I had a Hickman line in so I wouldn't have to have cannulas in which I pulled one out

22 November 2012

Last night I was transferred to Coventry and Today I was told that I had diabetes and I was also going home. Dad had gone to work for a bit so I was left alone until mum came to see me which was nice, I've already decided I'm not going to write until next month so I can get used to being at home though I must go hospital every week but I'm sure I'll cope

(The photo is me at Coventry hospital

(The photo is me at Coventry hospital

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See you next Month diary.


Heya guys, hope you all enjoyed it, please tell me what you think, much love

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