My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 22

Start from the beginning

Charlie and his dimpled smile could win any girl over - excluding my hard-to-get sister, of course. The Ashton twins with their happy-go-lucky aura that could change anyone's mind. Benjie and his sweetness is a definite win. Zeke and the intriguing, mysterious nature that he has - it would never stop begging you to reconsider. And...Andrew with the electric blue eyes that could melt you into a puddle of mush. I'm telling you, any one of these boys could cheat for my benefit if they ever wanted to. I mean, I doubt it was Benjie, because I swear, that boy is too damn sweet for his own good. But the rest of them, they have possible...tendencies. I have a hunch that it wasn't Drew either. I saw how much confidence he had in me and my kind heart yesterday. He wouldn't have done such a thing if that's what he believed. That left Charlie, Zeke, Henry, and Hector. Maybe I'll go ask for another hint. God knows I'm going to need it. I'm gonna need every single hint Penny is willing to share with me.

The bell for lunch rang and I happily leave Mrs Parody and her boring history classroom. I was busting to go to the toilet, but lucky me, I bumped into Zeke first. He was giving me a questioning look as I kept trying to dodge him--well, more like run off to the little girls' room.

"What is wrong with you today, Walton?" Zeke asked, chuckling at me. I make a sharp left and ignore him, fully determined to do what I have to first. "Is this about the challenge? I'm sure you're gonna beat everyone this time," he continued to babble.

"I am trying to get to the bathroom, Vanderwall. You can encourage me later," I snarled at him, spotting my destination. I smiled and practically ran towards it like a hobo who saw someone drop a ten dollar bill on the street.

As I was washing my hands, the door suddenly opened. It took me by surprise, but it was Zeke who surprised me more. He stepped inside with a smirk plastered on his face and, leaning on the tiled wall--of the girls' toilets--as if it was as normal as breathing. He ran a hand through his untamed, honey blonde locks and I rolled my eyes. " have a small bladder?"

My face flushed red and I quickly slapped his arm. "I am so not getting into this right now!" I protest, flicking him with water. He was lucky there wasn't another soul in this room.

"Chill, the announcement's about to start in a few minutes. I figured I should tell you to stop taking your sweet time in the ladies room." Zeke flashed me one of his genuine smiles. It was the boyish kind and I couldn't help but smile back.

In that moment, I realised something. I realised that behind all that bad boy image he had going on, Zeke was still a teenage boy who had a weird sense of humour. Though, I didn't tell him that. Any logical person wouldn't. I mean, imagine what that'll do to his already oversized ego. "We better get going then."

Walking into the cafeteria, I noted the significantly less noise floating about. Everybody was eager to hear what Brower had to say, whatever stupid challenge he had in store for his precious pageant girls. Zeke and I sit beside a lonely Cindy, who happily let us join her. Charlie and the twins were sitting with Drew and their jock buddies. Benjie and Diana were...I have no clue. As I take a small bite of my pear, the infamous throat-clearing began.

"Good day, Lincoln Bay High! This is Mr Brower and I'm sure you all know what this is about. I am about to announce the second challenge of Lincoln Bay High School's Annual Pageant!" Cue the hoots and hollers and obnoxious jokes. "This week, our beauties will bring their athletic A-game to the table! On Friday, we will prepare a special obstacle course and scavenger hunt for each of you. Each beauty is going to choose one male companion who would be willing to help. I'll be sending out the rest of the instructions and rules via email. So ladies, get fit!"

You could hear a pin drop with the gobsmacking silence. I was trying to gather my wits at the moment. When people started yelling and cheering, I still wasn't finished with my initial shock. First, it was personality. Now, athleticism? Are they trying to make me lose this pageant all together? Some of those girls were walking fitness machines and then there was me who thought fetching the remote was a chore. I shut my mouth once a fly got too close for comfort, effectively making Zeke and Cindy gawk and laugh at me. I guess Forrest Gump had a pretty good idea of what he was saying--you know, about life being a box of chocolates.

I think I have a deeper understanding of that now.

Oh, do you?

Well, yeah. Aren't you supposed to know? You're the logical one here.

Who said that?


Aren't I part of you, though?

That's it! I am shutting you out.

"What did I ever do to you?" Zeke said, looking at me like I was a lunatic. I probably was. Cindy was snickering next to me.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked shyly, smiling sheepishly at the blonde in front of me.

"Well, yeah, the last bit."

"Just so we're clear, I'm not shutting you out."

"I know, how are you gonna win that challenge without me?"

Well, that was news to me. "Who told you that?"

"I did."

Oh, Zeke, you're such a character.

* * *

Dedicated to DonnaGraceEncartdo :)

Multimedia Weekly:
- Photo of Zeke
- Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

Drew will have an appearance next chapter, so sorry if he's not in this one. c:

Thank you for the continuous support! 8,000 reads, check! Let's get it to 9,000! <3

I'm on the lookout for someone to dedicate chapter 23 to! So please continue to vote, comment, and share. See you next week! ;)


My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now