Chapter 29

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(Sereffe's POV)

I woke up the next morning alone. I got up and went downstairs and found Jace standing in the kitchen watching the microwave spin. I walked over to him and just stood there for a minute until he noticed I was standing there.

"Hey" he said hugging me.

"Morning" I said into his chest. We stood like that for a few minutes before the microwave started beeping.

"Okay I love you babe but food is done and food is first." Jace laughed kissing my forehead and walking to the microwave.

"I'm not sure how to feel, hurt maybe?...Nah I respect that in a way kinda." I said looking off into nothing.

"Do you?" He asked looking at me, ammused.

"I do. I'm gonna go get dressed and go home." I said and started to leave the kitchen when Jace stopped me by standing between me and the door.

"No, don't leave" he plead.

"I have to my mom is on vacation and my dad is away on a business trip and DJ won't leave me alone about being stuck with little monsters at home" I said trying to step around him.

He didn't let me pass and instead just stood and stared at me with puppy dog eyes and when I didn;t budge he gave up, "fine."

He let me pass and I got dressed and left after saying sorry and goodbye.

I could have drove home but I walked instead just for the peace. I know I said I had to be at home and that was true but I just couldn't handle going home right now so i took a detour into the woods and laid down in a clearing near my house. I laid there closed my eyes and let my mind clear. Eventually I drifted off into a not so peaceful sleep.


It was dark. I knew where I was though I was in the Forrest behind my old house where that psycho kept me for three months before I found a way to escape. I was back in the room he kept me in handcuffed to the same pole, scars old and new littering my arms and legs blood still dripping from some of them. My eyes started to fill with tears at the thoughts of what happened here those years ago. I let a few slip out before I began looking for the makeshift key I had used to get out before. I kept it next to the wall so he wouldn't see it but it wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" Sounded a voice from the other side of the dark room, a voice I hoped to never hear again. He stood there in the doorway letting in some light holding up my key with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Did you really think I would let you get away again?" He asked crouching in front of me. I looked down as the tears started falling from my eyes. He chuckled and lifted my face to look at him, "You're not going anywhere doll."

He stood up and began undoing his belt.

"NO NO NOOO" I cried as I tried to kick him away.

"not again" I whispered.


I woke up in the clearing I fell asleep in hyproventalating and my face was wet, the sun has already gone down and then moon shone bright in the night sky. It hurt emotionally to think about him and that time in my life. As I started to wake up a bit more I realized what happened in my dream and my eyes immediately filled with more tears. He mentally fucked me up for years and I tried so hard to repress those memories and to have all of that come crashing back to me make me feel ten times worse and more stressed that I was when I fell asleep this morning. How I slept all day will continue to amaze me. I checked my phone and found 4 missed calls and 8 unread messages from Jace. It's adventure time aka 2:30 am. I texted Jace and told him I fell asleep in the woods near my house and that I was headed home finally. I walked home feeling accompanied; I looked around and saw no one so I turned back around to continue walking home and ran into someones chest. Seeing as I was very paranoid about my current surroundings I kicked the person who's face I still had not seen in the shins.

"Ow, fuck what the hell Kiki?" Said a familiar voice. I took out my phone and turned on my flash light and identified the stranger as Alec.

" good?" I asked laughing awkwardly.

"I will get you for this" he threatened as he stood up again.

"I said sorry" I said shrugging.

"Yeah, yeah where have you been anyway? We've been looking for you." Alec asked me.

" the woods. Just...trying to be alone for a while" I replied yawning

"Are you okay?"Alec asked seriously.

"I'm not okay, I promise" I answered.

"Yeah okay let's just go" he chuckled turning around and walking in the direction of my dad's house.

The moment I entered the house I didn't say anything to anyone and ran straight upstairs to my room locking the door behind me. I collapsed onto my bed and grabbed my headphones out of my pocket plugging them into my phone and blasting Champion by Fall Out Boy in my ears. A few tears fell just before I fell into a more peaceful sleep.


I don't even know what this chapter is but here it is. Sorry it took me sooo lobe to write it but I just haven't really felt up to it lately and I just got this idea I guess for the chapter but yeah oh right it's Internet_obsessed13 here btw. I'll see you guys in a few chapters so byyyeeee i guess 😅

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