not the same

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I'm not the same person
You took vows with
Part of it
Is your fault
Part of it
Is my own growth.

I grew so much
In these years
Out of fear
Some love
And things I didn't know
I was capable of.

I'm not the wife
Your parents imagined
I moved past this
But I'm a good mom to our kids
And that's what matters
I'm not the wife you met
So many years ago
I don't even know
If I'm still the wife
You'll always want.

I've cheated
I've lied
I've held things deep inside
And you're still there
Wondering why I won't share
My deepest feelings
My scariest fears
I did at one time
And it was a big mistake
I saw them thrown in my face.

From that day
You lost the ability
To see all of me
You only get
What I want you to see.
I'm not the wife you wanted
Not the wife you married
But I'm the one you get.

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