new circle

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So sick of people flipping on me
When I didn't do anything
If one of my best friends is next
So be it
Don't send a message
Saying you need a few days
By then I will not care
I'm already ready to walk away

Done with racking my brain
Trying to figure out where i went wrong
Questioning myself
Wondering if I'm a good friend
Can't do it anymore
I'm just ready to start over

I've done it once
I can do it again
Ready to make a new circle of friends
Who will actually hang in there
Won't pretend to care
Flip on me after a long time
With vague reasons
Cause with some I don't even care why
My patience is gone
Time to move on

Who's next
That's my main thought
Not what I did wrong anymore
That takes too much time
Wasting energy in my mind

It may sound heartless
It may sound mean
This is just me
When I can't trust people
I'm tired of being hurt
I need to get new people
For a new me.

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