grief and processing

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Sometimes i still float
Into the unknown
The memories
The things we will never be.

It's hard to pull myself away
On those days
I listen to music
Try to distract myself
Write and talk
These things don't always help.

Sometimes I still fall into that hole
I first went into
After we lost you.
It's easier to get out of these days
But the love and memories
Will never fade.
Missing you
Wishing you were here
Doesn't change with time
It started when I had to say goodbye.

I thought it would be easy
But some days are so hard
Like you died all over again
Shattered my heart
I thought I would process
Cry through my grief
That would be it
I would remember us
And be able to move foward.

Instead songs can set me back
To the very first day we met
Or make me wish I had stayed
A little longer the last time
It was just us
See a picture of your kids
The blue eyes you passed on
And hope she is able to find someone
To love and have love her
The way you were.

Sometimes they haunt me
Other times I smile
I can tell stories
And then I may cry
But I'll never forget you
Even though I didn't get to say goodbye.

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