Part 6: Are We Ever Safe?

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A/N: hey guys, friendly reminder that I do not own spn, sam or dean, yadayadayada! I do own Ash and Wyatt and the original plot lines of this story! leave me a comment if you want! I'd love to know what you think about this!


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IT WAS THE NICEST HOTEL ROOM ASH HAD BEEN IN. It was in downtown Manhattan and although the room was small, it was clean and comfortable. The moment they walked in, Ash collapsed on the single king bed, dropping her backpack on the floor by her feet.

She pulled the gun out of her jeans and sighed, placing it on the nightstand beside her.

"Where'd you get that?" Wyatt asked, picking the firearm up.

"Dean- one of the hunters." Ash fought off a yawn. It was closing in on eight. She was accustomed to staying up much later, but the days events had her exhausted.

Wyatt put the gun down and sat on the bed beside her. His pale hand brushed the hair out of her face, their eyes meeting. Ash remembered how he kissed her on the sidewalk and her skin prickled.

"What if they don't kill Ky and Lia?" Ash asked quietly. "Do you think they'll look for us?"

"Maybe." Wyatt answered. "I won't let them find us. We're safe."

"Are we ever safe?"

Wyatt rolled his eyes but smiled. "That's my girl, a fucking pessimist all the way."

"Im not pessimistic." Ash retorted, swatting his hand away from her face. "I'm being realistic." People are always going to be looking for us. Ky and Lia. Sam and Dean.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said quietly.

"Okay." Wyatt said with a small smile. "See you when you get out."

In the small white bathroom, Ash locked the door and rested her forehead on the cool, smooth surface. After a moment, she turned the shower on. Steam rose and filled the room.

Ash undressed, taking care not to bump the makeshift stitches on her arm. Her mind flashed to the tender way Dean had touched her and she paled. Naked, she stepped into the shower. The pressure of the water hit her and it was wonderful. Every bad feeling seemed to wash away under the water.

This has been the most bizarre day. She thought as she washed her hair. Wyatt kissed me and that's never happened before. Maybe it was a friendly thing...maybe not. I'm just glad we're together.

She surveyed her body. Multiple bruises colored her skin, some new and some faded. Cuts and scraps were flecked across her skin, nearly every muscle sore.

Ash turned the water off and wrapped a towel around her body. The mirror had fogged up.

"What the f-" Ash heard Wyatt exclaim from behind the door.

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