Part 5: We Go Looking For Trouble

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A/N: Sadly, I don't own supernatural, even tho I wish I did. Nevertheless, enjoy this next chapter!


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ASH FROWNED, HER UNWAVERING STUBBORNNESS BECOMING EVIDENT. The hunter brothers had pinpointed Ky's location- in an apartment in Queen's- and has returned to their motel room briefly to gather supplies for their ambush. Dean had been explaining the logistics of their attack when he had said Ash was to stay in the motel room. Away from the danger.

"That's not going to happen." Ash said, her arms crossed over her chest. One narrow hip was jutted out, her stance defensive. "I'm coming with you guys."

"Sorry to break it to you, princess, " Dean retorted sarcastically, causing Ash to roll her eyes. "But your ass isn't going anywhere."

"Dean-" Sam interjected, looking thoughtful. "Maybe bringing Ash isn't such a bad idea."

Dean narrowed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, an expression that clearly said not a chance, asshole.

"We can't exactly leave her here alone, right?" Sam explained. "Ash could go in first, maybe distract the vamps if they're there."

"Forget it." Dean snapped. "The last vamp she ran into tried to turn her."

"I think maybe I should get a say." Ash snapped Dean's attention to her. "I like Sam's plan."

"No. It's dangerous."

"Your whole job is dangerous." Ash countered. She still felt responsible for the nine deaths, because she had known the murderers. She should have trusted her initial impression of those vampires. The thought of them wandering the city brought ice to her chest. If Sam and Dean were going to kill the people who haunted her nightmares, she wanted to be there to see it.

"It's our job, Ash. Not yours." Dean said huskily.

Ash scoffed, her short temper sparking. "You said you wanted my help, Dean. Here it is."

"Telling us what you know is different from walking into a room of vampires." He replied coldly.

"It's nothing I haven't done before." Ash said with her fists clenched. "So what's the real reason you don't want me going?"

Dean's rosy lips parted, forming the beginning of an explanation. Before he spoke, he ran a hand across his mouth and turned away from Ash.

"I'm not letting you back around them."
Dean said, looking at her, the green in his eyes burning.

Ash suddenly felt the eye contact and the simplicity in his promise were too intimate for their current situation. Goosebumps raised across her skin.

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