Chapter 53

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Written 2015
Revised April 2021

*Ellie's POV*

I neatly draw an 'X' on the calendar box marked for today with red sharpie before taking a sigh of relief. Only one more lonely night before Demi is home from tour, and just a few more nights before I call her place my own.

For the final weeks leading up to the nearing closure of Demi's tour, I've spent most of my time packing up non essential things like clothes, memorabilia I couldn't bare to get rid of and décor that would compliment Demi's minimalistic house. A few nonessential things that don't need to be brought with me, but I couldn't let go like my prom dress, holiday decorations and a few stuffed animals from my childhood, were boxed up last Saturday and stored at my cabin. No sense in paying a monthly fee for a storage unit when I can store it at the cabin.

I don't want to bring too much to Demi's house and haver her think I'm a hoarder. I'm just a sentimental person who finds a connection with what I own. However, minimal is good. I'll move just a few things in at first, that way neither of us are overwhelmed. I have it all planned out.

I hear my Keurig make a few spurting noises before stopping, letting me know my coffee is done brewing. I add a little creamer and two spoonful's of sugar before closing the lid on my travel mug and grabbing a banana and muffin before exiting my apartment in a hurry. Although I didn't know if I'd have time to eat.

There was a significant windstorm last night, and without the warmth of Demi's body and the comfort of her arms wrapped around my waist, I had a hard time falling and staying asleep. I've been lucky the last few months that whenever there was a thunderstorm or windstorm, one of us was at the other ones house, wrapped up in a blanket, snuggled in between the other's arms.

Last night however, was not one of those nights. I didn't fall asleep till almost four AM, woke up at seven AM, just in time to get dressed, pull my hair into a semi professional bun and brew a cup of coffee before heading off to work.

Traffic seemed to be somewhat compliant today. I made it to the school five minutes before arrival time. Rushing to make it to my classroom, I run into Andrea, almost spilling my coffee on her. I quickly close the lid to prevent any future accident.

"Ellie, you're in a hurry. Is everything okay?" She says, holding her clipboard against her chest.

I swallow, trying to catch my breath. "Didn't sleep much last night. Busy packing." I explained, taking this time to adjust my shirt I so lazily threw over my body this morning. I can't admit to anyone that I get nervous during windstorms or thunderstorms. Anyone would think I'm crazy being a grown adult afraid of some wind.

"Packing? Are you leaving us and I was unaware?" She asks, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"No, no." I protest. "I'm moving in with Demi. She gets back from tour tonight."

Her face becomes soft as her lips turn into a gentle smile. "Well congratulations. I see another celebration is in order." She suggests.

I think back to the last time we 'celebrated'. It was when we went to the bar to celebrate my engagement to Demi. She got so wasted, April said she slept for eighteen hours straight when she went back to April's house that night.

"Y-yeah, maybe once I'm completely settled in though." I suggest, hoping to deter the celebration for as long as possible. Partying is just really not my scene.

The morning bell rings loudly through the speakers and it forces me to remove my gaze from Andrea and instead to the lines of kids forming outside.

"Go get your kids. I don't want to hold you up." She says, taking a step back, clearing the way. I nod, racing to my classroom to put my belongings down before grabbing my attendance sheet and a pen, making it back to the front doors of the school.

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