Chapter 3

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Written April 2015
Revised March 2021

Ellie's POV
"Can you figure out which one is me?" I ask pointing to the pic of me and my sister.

"This one?" Demi says pointing to the one on the left.

"How did you know?" I laugh.

"Your eyes. Your eyes shine an elegant blue in the sunlight and well, she's the only one with blue eyes." Demi says pointing to younger me. Smart.

"Here's the jacket." I say handing her the plastic bag with my jacket in it.

"I will have this back to you by tomorrow." She promises.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"I spilt the coffee so I will pay to have it cleaned." she demands. "Mind if I make a quick phone call? I'm supposed to be meeting Wilmer for dinner soon." she says.

"No go right ahead. I'll just be upstairs changing." I say, leaving Demi in the hallway. I open my bedroom door and my eyes are immediately drawn to Demi's record album next to my record player. I smile knowing Demi is downstairs in my apartment. I quickly remove my uniform shirt and pants and change into a simple shirt and sweatpants. I walk back downstairs and she is just getting off the phone. "You leaving?" I ask.

"Wilmer is supposedly too busy for dinner tonight. Is it okay if I hang out here a little while?" she asks. Those butterflies erupt my stomach again. I thought this would be a quick exchange of my jacket, lasting a minute tops. "Unless you are busy." She adds, realizing I have not responded.

"Y-yeah, that's  fine. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?" I ask knowing damn well a question like that can start WWIII.

"Oh no, you're one of those people!" She says. I cant help but laugh.


After a heated debate on whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza, Demi and I settled on Buffalo Chicken pizza. I told Demi how I've been into the Supergirl series lately and I was excited to  find out she likes the show as well. She is all caught up, so she didn't mind watching from where I left off.

Demi became comfortable around me. As if we were friends and knew each other longer than 12 hours. I don't know how many episodes we ended up watching, but the now cold temperate of the pizza and darkness outside my windows suggests we've been watching tv for a while.

Another episode ends and Demi sighs. "I should get going. Hopefully Wilmer is done with whatever he was doing."

"I don't usually partake in the rumor mill but I'm curious, are you and Wilmer dating?" Paparazzi tend to photograph things and make assumptions all the time, and right now, Demi's dating life was one of those things. Of course a lot of Lovatics don't want it to be true, as they secretly hope they all have a chance with Demi.

Demi chuckles. "Yes we are dating. He even..." Demi trails off "-He even proposed to me." My eyes widen. Wow, so I guess the paparazzi was right for once. "But I said no. I want to wait. I want to focus on my career." Demi admits.

"Well, I'm happy for you. Love can be hard to find. It can be even harder to keep." I say, speaking from experience.

"This was fun, Ellie. Most people can't control themselves and tend to freak out when meeting me. You're not like other people. I hope that we can be friends." Demi suggests.

"Y-yeah, That- that would be cool!" I stutter. Real smooth, Ellie. Demi just laughs.

"Can I have your phone number? To let you know when your jacket is all clean." Demi asks. I take her phone and put my number in. I walk Demi to the door, she gives me a hug goodbye before turning the corner and walking down the hallway.

*Demi's POV*
Once I leave Ellie's apartment I drive straight to Wilmers. He's been a little standoffish lately. To be fair, I've been busy the last week and a half finishing up my next album. Today was the first day I got out before 8:00 PM and I was really looking forward to our dinner date. I pull up to his house and notice his black Range Rover parked in his driveway. All of his lights are off. I assume he might be asleep. I park my car and walk towards the front door.  I insert my spare key into the keyhole, twisting it, unlocking the door. I enter his house, shutting the front door behind me. I notice his briefcase on the ground next to the coat rack and his keys on the shelf. He has to be home.

"Wilmer?" I call out. Nothing. I walk upstairs and hear slight creaking coming from Wilmers master bedroom. I walk towards his bedroom door, the noise of creaking and panting echoing in the hallway. My mind begins to wander. He must be watching porn and pleasuring himself to make up for the lack of intimacy we have had due to my busy work schedule. I hear Wilmer moan through his bedroom door, which begins to turn me on. I unbutton my jeans and slide them off, letting them pool in front of his bedroom door. I twist the door knob and open his door, ready for what's to come next.

"Mhmm Baby, you just couldn't wa-" I say while opening his door. Wilmer cuts me off  "Babe!" He screams, switching his position on the bed so he is sitting up. Next to him in bed is a blonde, trying her best to brush her hair out of her face while covering her breasts with Wilmers blanket. "Babe, I can explain."

"Save it." I cut him off . He stands up to approach me, covering his erection with his pillow. I turn around to leave when he grabs my wrist, spinning me around.

"Wilmer! Don't" I scream. "I forgave you the first time. You promised me that you would never cheat on me again." I say trying to fight back tears. My hands clench into a fist. I just want to hit him. I want to rip his heart out and feed it to a shark. I want him to feel the way he is making me feel. "Fuck you!" I scream, while taking the promise ring off that he gave me. I throw it at the woman laying on the bed. "You can give this ring to that slut." I say, grabbing my jeans off the floor. I make my way to my car, getting in the drivers seat and slamming the door shut. I scream at the top of my lungs, slamming my fist into the steering wheel. I let the tears stream down my face. After a few moments, I look at myself in the rear view mirror, mascara and eyeliner stained puffy cheeks. I use the sleeve of my hoodie and try to wipe away the ruined makeup. I don't want to be alone. I turn my car on and drive to Marissa's. When I get there I knock and knock but there is no answer. That's when I remember she had a date tonight. At least someone's love life is not ruined. I walk back down her hallway and into the elevator. I'm about to hit the ground floor button when I hit button 5 instead. Ellie must still be awake right? I speed walk down the hallway, I make it to her apartment door and I knock. I wait a few seconds and knock again. I'm about to turn around when the door swings open.

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