I Can't Give Him Up... - Part 27

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[OMG!!!! Uni is over for the year and I am (HOPEFULLY) back in business! Oh so many apologies to be made, oh so many people to apologise to. So, here's the final (SQUEEEE) installment of the Keith/Belinda story! I think this is where I'm leaving it, but I don't know how many loose ends there are. Feedback would be good so that I know what I've forgotten to clear up, which might mean another couple of chapters. I honestly have no clue :S. So, Happy Reading! ^_^]

Andrew materialised again in front of Maggie and Belinda hours later. Maggie was asleep on Belinda's lap and Belinda was dozing slightly. Her eyes sprang open, jumping straight to Andrew's as he strode over to her. She resisted the urge to scream obscenities at him, if only to let Maggie sleep a little longer.

"What, no 'hello'? Don't we know each other well enough now?"

"You creep!" Belinda hissed, her hands balling into fists. She wanted to be able to stay calm no matter what but every time she saw him she felt all reason vacate her head. And then all she could do was bristle against him, every part of her hating him for putting Maggie, Keith, Jack and Gina through this. "Why don't you go jump off a cliff?"

"Because it's a pointless activity. Much as letting you live is. However, if you want to do some cliff jumping, I can oblige. I can take your soul first if you want and then you won't be afraid of the height. Well, I intend to take your soul anyway but I would much prefer to have your permission."

"Oh, don't lie to me. I know you can't take my soul unless I let you and I refuse."

"Fine. But it's only a matter of time before you cave, I know that. You're much too weak to stand up against me."

"Bite me," Belinda murmured, turning back to Maggie. She didn't want to wake her to deal with Andrew. "Look, what do you want? I doubt you came to see me purely because you could. Or are you just here to torment me?"

"Whilst tormenting you is undoubtedly lots of fun, I thought I'd come and see if I could make you any less comfortable."

"I don't think that's possible," Belinda said, her voice flat. "I mean, if you wanted to kill yourself and leave me trapped here, which would be inconvenient for me..."

"Very funny Belinda. How about I kill off your playmate instead?" Andrew suggested menacingly, stepping forward ever so slightly.

"Don't even think about it," Belinda hissed vehemently. She knew she was playing into his hand but she couldn't help the protective surge that always engulfed her where Maggie was concerned. Her hands balled into fists and she could feel the bite of her own nails digging into her palms.

"Whatever. It's only a matter of time until you're all dead anyway."

As he turned to leave, Maggie's head came up cautiously, her mouth still running through the spell almost silently. Andrew opened the portal, unaware that Maggie's hands were holding a glass vial, the open end pointing towards him. He did, however, hear the last of Maggie's chants, moments too late. His eyes went wide as he was sucked straight into the prison meant just for him. Only his last echoing shriek was left behind, almost startling Maggie into dropping the vial.

"Careful!" Belinda scolded, her hands leaping to steady Maggie's. "Come on, let's blow this joint!"

Maggie and Belinda careened out of the portal, giddy with relief. Neither of them knew where they were but they didn't much care. As the euphoria wound down, however, Belinda tried to take a more practical approach to matters at hand.

"Okay, so do you know where the heck we are?"

"Not a clue," Maggie giggled, still looking around happily. "But hey, we can't be too far from home - look, there's Stacy!"

"Hang on a minute," Belinda muttered slowly. "How on Earth do you know who Stacy is?"

"Oh, um, I kind of maybe saw her in a vision once," Maggie said, sobering slightly. "Talking to Emma. But it didn't seem all that important," she wheedled.

"Oh, whatever. Let's see if she can point us home! Stacy!" She hollered at the figure, her arms waving frantically to grab her attention.

"Belinda?" Stacy shouted, apparently awestruck. "What're you doing here? I thought you were ill!"

"Oh, um," Belinda stuttered, her eyes flicking to Maggie desperately. "I, uh, got a second wind. Decided to take a walk around while I had the chance. But we kind of got lost. Any way you can point me in the right direction?"

"Sure, no problem. Better yet, why don't we call Keith or Jack, get them to pick you up - you don't look so good."

"That would be awesome," Belinda gushed, smiling widely. "Thanks Stace."

"Don't mention it," Stacy said as she dialled. After the extremely short conversation was over - Keith promising to be on his way ASAP - Stacy turned to Belinda, her cheeks colouring as she tried to find words to express what she was thinking. "Look, about the other day. I was out of line, what I said to you. I've been meaning to say something but there never seemed to be a time, or a place. So, I'm really sorry. I didn't know what I was talking about and I should've minded my own business. I just never thought Emma could be so...well, you know. The way she is."

"Hey, no problem. She's your best friend, right? I wouldn't expect you to believe what I said over what she said any way."

"Thanks," Stacy said, the flush that had flooded her cheeks finally subsiding. "Well, looks like your ride's here! I'll catch you at school maybe?"

"Sure! I'd love that," Belinda said warmly, reaching over impulsively for a hug before racing to where Keith was parking his bicycle. "Keith!"

"Belinda, Maggie, thank god! Are you two ok? How- what- when-?"

"It's a long story," Maggie stated, waving to Jack as he hurtled around the corner. "And I, for one, could use a nice long nap. So I'll see you two at home!"

"God, I'm glad you're back," Keith said as Jack rode away with Maggie, after hugging Belinda and apologising profusely for not being there. "I can't believe you're really here."

"Hey, you wouldn't get rid of me that easy," Belinda smiled, her face turning up towards his. "And I think you owe me for breaking out."

"I think I do," Keith said, leaning down toward her. The story could wait for another time. Right now, all he wanted was to hold his girlfriend and take her home. Which he did. 


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