I Can't Give Him Up... - Part 11

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[Oh yeah, I'm awesome. Third part today (sort of) so now I REALLY AM going to get some sleep. Comment pleases, and Happy Reading ^_^]

The next couple of weeks passed in a blur. Keith thought that time was rushing him on, speeding itself up when all he wanted was time to think. He was catching up in every subject except maths. He was struggling along, trying to make sense of what they had already done but it was all nonsense to him. Not for the first time, he wished Belinda was there to guide him through the difficult parts.

He looked up at the clock as he came into the house and sighed. Four o' clock on a Monday and he had nothing to do. Might as well get cracking on that algebra, he thought gloomily. He looked at the book in front of him, trying to make sense of what it was telling him. It all seemed to fade into just squiggles on a page, like a foreign language. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he pulled it out.

"Hello?" he asked cautiously. It happened, getting a wrong number, especially from a private line. He felt the cat wind itself around his feet and he petted it's head. They still hadn't gotten around to naming it and Keith had that feeling that it was just going to be called 'cat'. Just because they were so used to calling it that.

When the other end of the line went static, he sighed and clicked the 'end call' button. He really hated it when people didn't talk and just hung up. It was about as useful as sending an e-mail to an out-of-use address. He flipped his phone shut before trying to concentrate on the book in front of him again.

* * *

Belinda could feel the white mist finally clearing (how long had it been?), leaving behind a faint after burn of clear air. She looked in every direction she could, searching for something, anything that could tell her where she was. She was sure she wasn't in the other world, the one with Andrew. But she didn't recognise where she was. At least, she wasn't sure if she recognised it. it was hard to tell where she was when all she could see was blank in every direction.

"Hello?" she called out hoarsely, her throat aching from the effort. She wished she had some water, just to help her clear her throat. She coughed and tried again. "Keith? Jack? Maggie? Gina? Hello?! Is anyone there? Can anyone hea-"

Belinda started coughing uncontrollably, doubling over, wanting to drink some cool clear water. And she doubled over, her head hit something. A wall? It was an obstruction at least so she tried to give it more room. She backed away until she hit something behind her. Odd, she thought. I've only taken a step or two... She tried walking to either side but again she was stopped after only a step. Okay, stay calm, that's probably just your mind playing tricks on you...

Belinda didn't start to panic until she felt a heavy weight pressing down on her body, leaving only her head free. She felt like screaming but her throat was just so Goddamn dry! She could feel pain in her chest, her stomach and along her limbs as she tried to break free of whatever was stopping her.

And then, suddenly, this second, solid mist was clearing. She could see a light above her, shining overly brightly. She tilted her head slowly, trying not to make the pounding worse. She could see a jug of water, complete with a cup, waiting to be filled and then drunk from. But she still couldn't move an inch. She could feel her helplessness, her utter dependency on whoever came through the door and she started to cry.

It wasn't loud crying but it wasn't silent. And somebody - thank God - must have heard her from outside this tiny room. Strange, that looks like a nurse... The man gasped when he saw her, rushing back out again, calling for a doctor. She tried to hear what he was saying but she was too tired. She just wanted some water so she could go to sleep - real sleep, with real rest.

"Belinda, hi," said the man who came in now. He looked official, his doctor's coat neat and proper. "How're you feeling sweetie? You've been unconscious for a long time. Can you tell me you're birthday?"

"Wuh," she started, her voice cracking drily. The doctor looked at her expectantly. "Wu-wa-wat-ter...water..."

He followed her gaze and saw the jug by her bed and immediately filled the cup. He murmured something to the nurse who had come in and he returned, holding a straw. Belinda felt the doctor put the straw in her mouth and she sucked on hit greedily. It felt like ti had been years since she had had a drink...

"Now, can you tell me your full name?"

"Bel...Belinda Amy Godfrey," she said, trying to get used to talking again. "My birthday's...the twenty-third of April and...my mum's name is Elizabeth..."

"Okay, that's good Belinda," he encouraged, smiling warmly. "Now, do you remember why you're in here?"

"There was...I couldn't breathe. Something was stopping me breathing...I...I don't...I don't know," she said, looking panicked before she remembered something. "Keith? Where's Keith? Is he okay?"

"Okay, calm down Belinda, you've had a nasty shock. I'm sure this Keith fellow is fine. Right now, we need you to calm down and relax. Everything's going to be just fine. Okay? Now, how can we get hold of your mother?"

"What're you talking about? She's in here, in the hospital. Isn't she? Did she get better? Is she okay?"

The doctor looked at the nurse again and started mumbling under their breaths. Belinda hoped that her mum was okay, had woken up whilst she was stuck in here. Even if her mum was worried sick, waiting for her to wake up, she wanted to know she was okay. The doctor was still talking at her but she was so tired.

"Sorry...just call...Keith...James..." she murmured, before falling blissfully into sleep.

* * *

Keith was really beginning to hate school, it's monotony boring him senseless. All he wanted to do when he got home was go to sleep. He saw a light flickering on the answering machine and he had that strange sensation of déjà vu. He wondered if he was actually asleep, reliving that day that Belinda had called him, desperate for help, for company.

"...and we would appreciate it greatly if Keith James would call back. Thank you."

Curious, Keith called the hospital back. He could feel his hopes building, his stomach knotting with tension. He waited impatiently as the nurse confirmed that it was the right hospital and he answered in hurried tones, "Yes, this is Keith James. I received a phone call asking me to call back?" He crossed his fingers, praying.

"Yes, Mr James, one of our patients was asking for you. Miss Godfrey I believe. She's asleep again now but..."

Keith could barely breathe. He muttered a brief thanks before going for his bicycle. Maggie was just coming through the door but he dragged her with him, ignoring her stuttered questions. She was still demanding answers as he slammed the helmet onto her head, making sure to tighten it fully.

"Look," he snapped. "I don't really have time to explain. I got a call from the hospital."

"And," Maggie said, excitement evident in her voice.

"She's awake. Or at least she was. The hospital says she's been asking for us. So I'm going over. I assume you want to come with-"

"What're you waiting for? Let's go!" she demanded, jumping up behind him.

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