Chapter 2: Blooms vs Weeds

Start from the beginning

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The next day...

"Mayumi-senpai!" Hanzo, the student council vice-president shouted as he opened the door quickly.

"Hanzo-san? What's the rush?" Mayumi replied looking a bit startled.

"One of the control rooms had been locked by some students. It seems like they-- they are a group of --w--weeds students."

"Hattori Hanzo! I told you not to use that term."

"Forgive me Mayumi-senpai."

"Tatsuya! Mari! Hanzo! Miyuki! Let's go to where this students are."

"Yes!" The 4 of them replied.

They rush to the control room that was seized by the students who rebels against their own school. But unfortunately the students won't open the door and speak to them.

"Mayumi senpai, I have Mibu senpai's contact number. I can contact her and tell her that you would listen to them."

"M-Mibu's number?" Mayumi said while feeling jealous as her cheeks blush.

"Oni-sama I believe I deserve an explanation after this." Miyuki said furiously as cold air covers their surrounding.

"Miyuki. We'll talk at home later. For now don't turn this school into ice." He said as Miyuki relax and the cold air dispersed.

At the end, Mibu and the other rebels agreed to Tatsuya, that Mayumi Saegusa would listen and answer their complaints with a debate after 2 days.

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"Are you sure you're fine alone Mayumi-senpai?"

"Ohhh is Tatsuya-san worried about senpai?" Mayumi asked sounding like he is taunting Tatsuya

"I'm just thinking if you need help with the debate?" Tatsuya answered flawlessly

(Hpmf! brushing of my question like that.) Mayumi said in her mind

"Honestly, there is no time to prepare. So I can handle it by my own."

"Do you mean that no one can defeat you in a debate?" Tatsuya asked

"I think? Just watch me on that day. Will you, Tatsuya-kun?" Mayumi asked and winked at him

"I will. After all, I'll be your guard."

"Perfect then!"

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** The day of the awaited forum arrived. On the stage was the student councill members along with Tatsuya who was watching at the back of the curtain. An the rebels representative who seeks for equal treatment.

Since it was a forum-style discussion, it was only natural that they began with the cause of the forum.

"President, I have a question regarding this season's budget allocation for club activities. According to our data, clubs that engage in magic competitions and have a higher percentage of Course 1 students receive significantly greater budgets than clubs directed towards non-magic competitions that have a higher percentage of Course 2 students. This is evidence of Course 1 students receiving blatant favoritism in extracurricular activities as well as classes! If the President truly wishes for equality among the Course 1 and 2 students, I hope she can address this imbalance." 

"The budget allocation for club activities is based on the number of registered club members as well as the group's accomplishments, which is decided in a meeting between all the club leaders. The generous allocations for clubs involved in magic competitions reflect their positive results in intramural competitions. I'm sure everyone here is also aware that clubs involved in non-magic competitions that have competed with distinction at the national level, such as legball and other clubs, have received similar allocations. The idea that clubs with more Course 1 students are favored is a simple misunderstanding."

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now