"Hallie, promise me tonight we won't say a word about Jake and JJ? I just want to be with you tonight and not focus on anything else." Jake gave me the death glare. 

"I promise. Just hurry home okay?"

"We're hurrying. I'll see you soon." 

I hung up the phone, and not a second later Jake says, "What the hell was that about?"

"What do you mean?" I was honestly so over he and JJ's arguing. 

"You don't want to have to focus on JJ and I tonight?"

"Yeah Jake, I don't. I'm so sick of you two fighting and having to deal with your crying. You need to get over it or move on. You and I both know what would make you happy right now. Hallie said that JJ comes home from school every day now and cries to herself on the couch for hours. You're killing her dude."

"And that's my fault because?"

"You're unbelievable." I turned away from him and just watched the trees and scenery fly past us. "I think you forget that I've grown up with JJ, and she's like my little sister. I know we're best friends, but if things go south with her you can count on being done with me too. She's family, and I can't take it anymore watching you treat her like this." 

"Tom," He tried to lighten the conversation. "Dude, don't say stuff like that. We're brothers." 

"Jake, you've changed. Until you figure things out, don't be calling us brothers." 

I turned up the radio, and we drove the rest of the way in silence. 

Eventually we made it home, and Hallie met us at the edge of the drive way. Jake let me out and then drove to Tucker's house. 

"Bye Jake!" Hallie waved. He said nothing but waved at her as he drove off. "What's up with him?" she asked. 

"I don't want to talk about it. Where's JJ?"

"She's inside." She held my hand as we walked inside. "JJ, Tom's here." 

She had been asleep and smiled when she saw me but didn't get up. I set my bags down at the front door and walked over by her. I brushed the hair out of her face. "Hey, how you doing?" I tried to ask gently, seeing her puffy eyes and pink cheeks, I knew she wasn't doing great.

"Oh just peachy." She joked wiping another tear. 

"I'm so sorry Jay." I hugged her as I knelt on the floor by the couch. "You want to come with Hallie and I tonight?"

"No, you guys need to get out. You never get to see each other and be alone. I'll be fine here. Arrow will be home from practice in a few hours anyway, and I can hang with her." 

"Alright. Well, we will bring you back a milkshake or something."

"Thanks Tom." I started to stand up when she held my hand stopping me, "Hey, how's Jake." 

"Uh, please don't make me talk about him." I saw the worry in her eyes and knew she needed to know. "Honestly sis, I don't know. He's different. One minute he'll be just like you, sobbing in bed. And the next he's working out through the late hours of the night. Just on the way here we started fighting about the two of you, and I told him he needs to get things figured out before he loses the rest of us too."  

She started to cry again. "Do you think he'll ever be able to forgive me?"

"Jay, I sure hope so. Or else we'll all lose him."

She laid on the couch trying to wipe her tears. I kissed her on her forehead. "I love you sis. I hope things start to get better. Who knows, maybe something will happen this weekend?"

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