Spring Break - Take a Back Road

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"Well babe, where do you want to go?"

"Oh you'll see." He said with a smirk on his face. He took my hand in his. My dad threw his keys across the room and Jake caught them and put them in his pocket. You could tell he was a football player because no random person could catch those keys at that distance.

"Take care of my little girl." He said smiling.

"Will do. Thank you sir."

"Jake, come on." I said begging, "just tell me where we're going?"

"I told you, you'll see. It's a surprise." He picked me up and practically threw me on his back as he ran to my dad's truck.

He opened the door for me and let me down to help me in. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Starved!" I blurted.

He laughed, "Well, why don't we stop and get some sandwiches before we go?"

"Alright." I leaned in and kissed him before he put the keys in the ignition. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Jay." He smiled. I couldn't get enough of that smile. I sat in the middle seat of my dad's truck and held his hand. 

"So when were you officially cured?Like... when did they find out you didn't have cancer any longer?" I was a little annoyed that he didn't call me immediately about it.

He could sense the annoyance in my voice. "Okay love, they released me Saturday. And your dad found out as well as soon as it happened. They made him one of my emergency contacts and he knew before my parents even knew."

"Still. Why didn't you call me? Just Friday night I still thought you were still so sick and going to chemo radiation?"

"I haven't gone through that in weeks. I started getting better about two weeks ago until they said I was cured. I have to take it easy, but I can still play football in the fall." 

I leaned up and kissed him again. "Next time, please just call me? Okay?" I said softly. He looked at me sympathetically. 

"You're impossible! I swear, what would I do without you and those gorgeous green eyes of yours?" He said looking at me smiling with that smile of his that made butterflies fly through me.

"Let's not think about that." I smiled and leaned into him as he started the truck. We drove to a grocery store and he bought sandwiches, fried chicken, 

We drove for a little while and I started to feel myself falling asleep. "Why don't you lay on my lap? We should be there in an hour." He said as I laid down on his lap. His right hand rested on me running up and down my back. 

Suddenly I felt the truck bouncing back and forth and I got up only to see that we were driving down a long dirt road. Trees surrounded us as a dust storm followed our tires behind. 

"Where are we?" I said rubbing my eyes to wake myself up.

"Your dad said that you had never been fly fishing before. And I thought that was just not okay."

"Well yeah. I guess I just never got around to it. He loves to go though." I said confused with where he was going with this. 

He hopped out and jumped into the bed of the truck. I looked in the back and saw everything he had packed in there. There were coolers filled with food, pillows and blankets all over, fishing poles and nets. He opened the back door and pulled out a pair of waiters and handed them to me. "Here put these on."

I was so excited. Not only did I love fishing and just being in the beautifully quiet outdoors, but I got to do it with Jake. It was still so surprising that he was here in Canada with me. I was really excited to try fly fishing too.

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