That was the last strike, Paul started shaking, and then he started convulsing. The sight was both horrifying and intriguing to Lola, who could only stare.

"GET BACK!" Harry yelled, pulling the three females behind him and away from the shifting boy.

Paul finally shifted, snarling at nothing in particular.


"Who's Jesus's father?"

Lola stared defiantly back at Sam, no other emotion evident on her face. She was facing the brunt of the questioning of what had happened since her mother was unconscious and Carmen wouldn't leave her side.

When Paul had shifted, Alejandra fainted, and even after an hour she had yet to awaken. Carmen had refused to leave her mother's side. Lola had gone numb. She didn't dare look at Paul since he had shifted, just like she didn't dare acknowledge his words and whimpers.

"Lola," Sam sighed, sitting down in front of her and running a hand through his short hair.

"Samuel," Lola replied, voice flat. Then she leaned forwards with an even gaze and calmly demanded, "Where's my brother?"

"Who's his father?" Sam retorted back.

Lola slammed a hand down on the round table standing up, startling everyone at her abruptness. "Where's my brother, Sam?! I want to see my brother!"

Just as Sam opened up his mouth, the voice she had been demanding to hear called out to her.

"Lola?" Jesus asked in a hoarse voice as he came down the stairs of Sam and Emily's little home.

"Jesus," Lola breathed out in relief. She rushed to her little brother, ignoring the obvious differences in him, and brought him into a tight hug. After a minute of holding him to her, she pulled away and assessed his new features. The brother she had known almost her entire life was gone.

Gone were the lean muscles and barely there abs. Gone was the clear patch of skin on his right bicep. Gone was the 5'11 stature of her little brother. Gone were the childish features of boyhood.  Instead, his lean muscles became more defined, and washboard abs were prominent on his naked torso. The same tattoo she had seen on all the boys present was on her baby brother's right bicep. His stature had gone from average to skyscraper tall, his frame easily over 6'5. His boyish features were sharpened and made him look a man. His already unusually warm temperature was even warmer, to the point where his touch was burning.

Once she was sure he wasn't harmed or injured or anything else that would require her to worry, she began to smack him silly. She ignored his yelps of protest and continue to chastise him as she  continuously smacked him, much to the worry and amusement of the other wolves.

"¡Pinche chamaco desagradecido! ¡Estúpido! ¿Cómo pudiste hacernos esto, cabrón? ¡Ya casi y vamos con la policía! ¡Hay, pero eres tan tonto, Jesus!" (Fucking ungrateful boy! Stupid! How could you do this to us, bastard? We almost went to the police! Oh, but you're so dumb, Jesus!)

"¡Hay, ya! ¡Para mujer, para!" Jesus cried as he swatted away his sister's flying hands. (Enough! Stop woman, stop!)

"Why would you do that?" Lola demanded after she had finished hitting her brother and had caught her breath.

Jesus puffed out a breath as he shook his head and shrugged. "Uh, long story?"

"You don't sound too sure about that," Lola replied with a raised brow.

"Lola," Sam called, causing her to roll her eyes.

She turned to look at Sam, a sassy face and hand on a cocked hip. "What?"

Beastly Bones » P. LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now