Defense Training

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"Come on just tell me!" I said, ever since me and Ryan got home I've been bothering him about Corban. I must say it must take a lot for him not to snap at me though. I've been asking him for the past few days. But he also ignores me asking and just tells me to rehearse. The dance competition got moved to this coming Friday so we had time to rehearse more and basically nether of Ryan's or Dyce's gang was there so.

"Ryan, would you just fucking tell her already?!?" Asher screamed at him, "Yes seriously, she's been asking the same question for the whole rehearsal." Drake said rubbing his forehead. "Fine" Ryan said giving in. I jumped in victory and did a little victory dance, "That is definitely your sister Ryan" Desire said and I threw my empty water bottle at her. She dodged it and smirked laughing.

"Ok, so when I first got into the gang I made a deal with Corban to give him some stuff in exchange he stays away from our gang property." Ryan started and I just nodded urging him to go on. "So that's what we've been doing but lately it's been getting harder to get the stuff he wants which is drugs and other things." He stated again. "Last Wednesday we got the drugs but since we almost got killed we told him the deal was off." He said faster. "The drugs and the other things we have is something he needs for this plan called TDRG, we don't know what it is so we're hiding everything from him." Drake finished for him. "Why not just give him everything? Wouldn't that be easier?" I asked, "We thought about that but Desire over heard some of his guys talking about taking down all the gangs even the ones in their good graces because Corban wants power." Ryan finished.

"So basically, you have the stuff he needs and now he wants to kill you?" I asked confirming this, Ryan nodded his head. "He'll also do everything to get the stuff, he knows you're my only family member left I care about so he went for you" he said muttering it. "But he's not going to get a chance to get you again" Drake said and I raised my eyebrow question, "We're going to train you." Damien said. "Excuse me? Training me? For what exactly?" I questioned.

"Yes training you, meaning we're going to teach you how to defend yourself" Desire said smiling a bit. "Pfft I can defend myself" I said being cocky, "Kicking a guy balls area doesn't count Jasmine" Ryan said chuckling, "Neither does punching a girl's breast" Natasha said shaking her head laughing.

"Fine when do we start? Who's going to training me?" I asked grabbing a new water bottle, "I'm fine with now" Ryan said, "We got the dance parts all down so we'll start now. Desire and Damien will." he finished. I groaned and pouted, "You know if you weren't Ryan's sister I'd probably put you in a headlock for whining" Damien said smirking. "Yeah, and I would kick you across the room" Desire added. "Whatever" I said and walked up to Damien. "Let's get started shall we?" Damien said as he went behind me grabbing me so I couldn't get loose. "What do you do if someone has you in this position?" Desire asked coming around Damien and standing in front of me. "Uh.. Hit them?" I questioned her, "Well, yes and no" Damien said. "Let me show you" Desire said as Damien let go of me and did the same to Desire.

"You use Sing" she said and I stared at her weirdly. She cleared her throat and said "Solarplexius, In step, nose, groin" while hitting Damien pretty hard. Damien fell to the ground and cried in pain, "Oh my god! I'm sorry Damien! I didn't mean to hit you that hard" Desire said helping him up. "I'm good" he said limping over to Natasha. "Drake comes over here" Desire said and Drake obeyed walking over slowly. "Don't hit me in my groin..." he said staring her down, "I won't. Jasmine will" she laughed. Drake looked at her deadly then turned to me, "Don't hit me too hard or I'll get you Mitchells" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Ok ready?" Desire asked, I nodded my head and I did "Sing." Drake fell down groaning and I laughed. "I thought you weren't going to hit me hard..." he mumbled, "Uhm...That wasn't hard" I said looking down at him. "Remind me never to get you mad" Jake said laughing, "Are you ok you little baby?" I bent down to Drake lying on the floor still groaning. "Shut up....You would know how it feels if you had any" he said. "You do realize that it still hurts to girl's right?" Natasha said, "Are you serious?" all the guys yelled, "Uh yeah..." Desire said. All the girls broke out laughing.

"Ugh" all the guys groaned and I just laughed at them. "Ok Ryan! You're next to get hurt" Desire said pulling him or like more dragging him towards me. "Now Jasmine, use your palm and hit his nose, just not really hard you might break it" Desire said. "Whoa wa-" I barely heard him talking until I hit him in the nose. "Ow! FUCK! SHIT!" he screamed holding his nose. "Opps... My bad..." I said backing away. "Damn Ryan take it like a man! Drake and Damien got hit in the groin and you're over here complaining about your nose" Jake piped in. I started cracking up, "You want to get hit to pretty boy?" Ryan said getting up advancing towards him. "Hey...Hey...Calm down your nose is fine" Desire cut in between the boys before it could get bloody. "Ok lets continue..." Desire said.

This is a fun practice


So sorry I haven't been updating but its been a pretty bad few months for me.I'm sorry again but I hope you guys enjoy! Please leave comments and tell me your option on the story! ^~^

Rival LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon