Dance Competition

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Picture of the Outfits for Ryans gang's dance off. 


  Ryan kept rushing me to get ready; he gave me the clothes I had to wear because of the whole gang thing.  It was pretty comfy but kind of revealing. Good thing I had to wear the jacket all night. My bruise already was healed, I need to get that stuff Dyce put on my shoulder. I curled my hair and put on a hat. I looked pretty damn good. Ryan came rushing in my room picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, “RYAN PUT ME DOWN!” I yelled. “No time!” he ran and locked the balcony door and all the other doors. I grabbed my bag with extra clothes in it somehow for Desire; I was wobbling on Ryan’s shoulder until he opened his car and put me in. He ran to the other side and started the car. “Was that necessary?”  I demanded, “Yes it was” he said turning on his car and started driving towards the spot where the dance competition is held.  He parked in front next to Drake’s car.

    “Hey guys” I said walking up to them. “Hey Jasmine” they said in unison.  “Let’s go inside” Ryan said.  We started walking inside and I saw tons of groups stretching and stuff. But one group caught my eye, it was Dyce’s. His gang looked hot without shirts on. Especially Dyce it showed off his chest…’Whoa what am I saying?!’ That’s weird.  Dyce saw me staring at him and he smirked and stretched a little bit and girls came running to him.  I looked away when I saw the girls, they looked way better than I did. I ran into something or someone looking up I gasped. Connor, my ex boyfriend. He looked down at me surprised. “Jasmine?” he said. “Connor?” I asked right back. “Hey! I haven’t seen you for a long time” he pulled me into a hug saying. “Yeah..How are you?” I asked softly not hugging him back, “Im good” he said. It got awkward between us then Ryan came to my side. “Uh hey man? There a problem here Jasmine?” Ryan said.

    “Not at all Mitchells. I’ll talk to you later Jasmine.” Connor said walking away.  Ryan looked at me questionly but I just shook my head and smiled. He smiled back and pulled me with him.  “Hey, we thought we lost you Jazz.” Drake said putting his arm around me. “Nah, I just ran into someone…” I said ’Who I don’t want to see’. “Riots! Take your seats now!” someone said behind us and we went to our seats with our gang name on it.  Someone got on the stage in front of us, the dude looked big and like he could kill someone. “First OFF OF THE NIGHT! THE SHOTS!” screams and cheers came out while Ryan’s gang booed except me.  Dyce’s group came out and got in their positions.  He looked at me with a sorry but mad look. I looked down as they started dancing as I looked up they looked amazing. Their dancing was so cool all their jumps and moves. I kept looking at Dyce as he showed his million dollar smile.  As their dance ended cheers erupted and Ryan’s gang once again booed. I laughed a little.  As Dyce’s gang left the stage the annocer called up Ryan’s gang. Ryan nodded to me and I stayed in my seat.  Dyce and Ryan bumped into each other as they were walking by. Dyce’s gang sat right behind me. ‘Lovely’.

         As Ryan’s gang got on the stage cheers erupted from the crowd but Dyce’s gang booed.  They got in their positions and the crowd fell silent. Then they started dancing the most amazing dance I’ve ever seen.  As they ended I started cheering and screaming for them. Ryan came back to me and smiled “Liked it?” he asked. “Hell yeah” I said we both started laughing. After that more gangs performed and then it was the duet dances. There were a lot of groups before Dyce’s and Ryan’s.  Ryan’s group was after Dyce’s.  Drake and Desire we’re going to dance.  They we’re practicing in the back and I was watching them. “Can I try?” I asked. “Sure”  Drake said. Drake taught me all the steps and I got them pretty quickly. I’ve always been a fast learner when it came to things I liked. We even replaced some of their moves.  Desire was eating shrimp with cocktail sauce watching us. We just kept doing it over and over again till I got it. Dyce’s group got called on stage, Spencer and Dyce were dancing I’m assuming. I let Drake rest for his performance. In the middle of Drake and Desire getting ready Desire started throwing up.

     “What happened?!?” Ryan asked obliviously panicking, “She started throwing up!” Drake said. “Bad-Bad…Bad shrimp…” Desire managed to get out before running into the bathroom. “We’re going to get disqualified. “ Natasha said. Drake shook his head but then looked up at me. “No! No No!” I said, “Come on Jasmine! Please?” Drake begged. “You know the routine we have new moves that Desire couldn’t do. Come on!” Drake got on his hands and knees begging. “You know the moves?” Ryan said. I nodded slowly then felt Ryan shaking me “Please please please?!?” he said. I shook my head but then Ryan spoke “Jasmine your one of the best dancers ever. You dance better than me even. Please little sister? For me?” he said looking at me in the eyes.  I groaned and grabbed my extra bag going into a changing station. “You owe me you guys!” I yelled threw my clothes off and put on the ones I got for Desire. I walked out and guys whistled. I looked down and groaned. Ryan growled at the guys who whistled.

       “Woah….You look hot” Dyce said appearing near me. “Uh thanks…” I said looking back down. “Don’t hit on my sister Miller!” Ryan yelled at him. “Not my fault your sister is hot as hell Mitchells.” Dyce said right back. “Why I out-” Ryan was cut off by the same guy who announced them earlier. “Riots your up! Ready?” Drake nodded and looked at me. “You’ll do fine sweets” Drake said. This time Dyce growled and everyone looked at him. He retreated and left in a hurry. “Ok then…” I said. Drake pulled me towards the stage and put me in my spot. “Just remember what we did” he said smiling at me and ran towards his spot.

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  The music started and I walked out ready to do this. We did all the moves we rehearsed and  the ones we added in. It felt like a rush. When we got done people stood up and cheered and screamed out chanting “Riots! RIOTS RIOTS! RIOTS!” I smiled slightly as we walked back to Ryan. Ryan ran up to me and hugged me tight. “You were awesome!” he said.  “Thanks” I said smiling. The intercom came on “ALL GANGS REPORT TO YOUR SEATS FOR THE GANGS PERFORMING LAST” someone said. I kind of was excited. We got to our seats and Dyce tapped my shoulder. I turned around and the guys said “You were awesome” they whispered to me. I smiled and nodded to them turning back around.

       The same guy got on the stage again and spoke “The two gangs who makes it in the final round is…..” drum rolls. “RIOTS AND SHOTS!” I looked at Ryan and he got all of us up and went to the stage followed by Dyce’s gang.  “Gang leaders! Shake hands! Then get ready for Friday your final battle!” the guy screamed into the mic. Dyce and Ryan looked in the eyes and shook hands. Then turn away and started walking. I followed Ryan glancing back at Dyce, he smiled softly at me. Everyone filed out and left.  

        We got to the back to grab our stuff when Spencer grabbed Drake “Get your ugly ass hands off of me prick!” Drake said. “We didn’t finish what we started Halter” Spencer said and hit Drake across his face. Drake fell back but recovered quickly and started rapidly punching Spencer. As Spencer swung and was going to kick back Drake ducked and a fist came in contact with my cheek as so a foot came in contact with my stomach. I fell back onto the cold cement. “Oh shit!” Spencer said. I screamed in pain as I felt something break.  Tears broke threw my eyes and I started gripping my arm. “Ah! Oh my god!” I screamed out.  My eyes watered as Ryan held me “Jasmine!”  and then I saw everyone at my side. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!” Ryan yelled out at everyone.  Everyone backed up a little scared, “You’re so fucking lucky I don’t kill you right on the spot Frane!” Ryan screamed again getting up. But I grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to me. “Ryan…I’m Ok. Just take me to the hospital please?” I said softly. Ryan looked at Spencer then back at me and nodded. “Desire? Can you grab my stuff please?” I asked her. She nodded at me and went to get it. Ryan picked me up making sure not to hurt me.  I slowly closed my eyes because the lights were too bright.

       This day just went lovely. I almost got raped. Got bruised. Hurt my face. Broke my arm. And starting to like my brother’s rival gang.  Is my life going to be like this all the time? Falling for the rival gang leader. This is my Rival love.

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