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    I awoke in a empty room. This isn’t my room. Where am I? Then it all came back to me, rag over my mouth and I’m knocked out.  I saw the door and raced to check if it was open, but what person kidnaps someone and leaves the door unlocked? No one. Unless they are just really stupid.  I sat in the room for probably an hour before the door opened. I looked up at my kidnapper, I didn’t recognize him at all, and He and one other guy came in and closed the door. “Who are you?” I asked standing up and crossing my arms. “I’m Corban and this is Bence. Nice to meet you Jasmine.” He smirked, “What do you want and how do you know my name?” I asked. “Your brother has something I need. And since he wasn’t going to budge. I thought maybe I can get him to” he stated smirking. Just then 3 other guys came in. “Tie her up”  he said walking out and what’s his name following him closing the door.

     One of them looked like they we’re going to slap me. I closed my eyes and when I thought it was coming one of the other guys stopped him. “Don’t hit her or the boss will kill us.” He shrugged and finished tying me on the chair, these guys were dumb for not tying my legs..  They all sat down on different sides of the room. I took that as my chance, it’s a good thing I had a butter knife on me from earlier, I started cutting the rope.“So…How about them Seahawks?” one of them said, “Shut up man” another said. “I’m just trying to make conversation. It’s pretty boring in here, I’m Sean” he said. “Don’t tell her your freaking name” one of the other 2 said. “Nice to meet you Sean” I said politely. “Don’t get your panties in a twist because I kicked you” I said to the other guy.  Sean and the other guy laughed but the one I said that to didn’t. “I like you. I’m Jave” the guy laughing said.  “Well you two can talk to her but sure as hells aren’t.”  The guy said, his new nickname said be jackass.   “Never asked you too” I said bluntly. Just then the rope loosened enough for me to break it when I found the chance.

     After that everyone was just quiet and they all fell asleep even me for a about 5 minutes. Until I heard car beeps, gun shooting and doors were breaking.  ‘Oh Ryan must be here’ I thought.  All 3 of the guys got up and jackass went behind me holding something to my head. The other two stood in front of me. ‘Oh shit’ I thought. The door finally broke down and Ryan and Dyce and their gangs rushed in.  “You better get that gun away from my sister Jack” Ryan said. ‘Oh so I got the Jack right’ I thought, “No thanks, what are you going to do about it?” Jack said smirking. “Oh it’s not us you should be worried about.” Dyce said, “Who is then?” Jack said. “I am.” I said bluntly again and pulled the rope sliding out of the chair just as Ryan and Drake started shooting. Jack, Sean, and Jave we’re on the ground, not dead just got shot.  I moved the guns towards Ryan and Drake. “Get her out of here now.I will be there in a second.” Ryan said.

    Drake lead me through all this warehouse. We were walking and we’re perfectly fine until Drake stopped me. “Close your eyes” Drake said. I was going to protest but he gave me this just trust me look. I closed my eyes and felt someone pick me up. It was Dyce, I smelled something really bad so I put my face into Dyce’s chest. I listened to his heart beat, it was steady.  He finally put me down and I was outside surrounded by trees.  Desire came running “Did they hurt you?Posion you? Give you drugs? I swear I will kill them all” she said. “I’m perfectly fine, they almost hit me but yeah I’m ok” I shrugged. She looked at me “You sure do get soemthing from your brother.” She said. Ryan came out  “What about me?” he said rasing his eyebrow. “Nothing” Desire said.  I was going to say something but Corban cut me off yelling. “You may have won this round! But I will get what I want Ryan” he said coldly. Ryan pulled me into the car shutting the door then screaming back  at Corban. He got in the car and we left in silence.


Ok I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I've been busy with school and winterguard. Yes i'm in winter guard I have a compepetition this Saturday so wish me luck! Anyways....I hope you guys enjoy...Its not the best but I will try to make the next chapter better. Comment? ^=^

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