Chapter 28

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"Don't go too far darlings!"

"Don't worry mom, Ben and I will just go to the field!"

"Yeah, dont worry miss.(last name)! Even if something does happen, i'll make sure to protect Princess (your name)!"


I hear faint voices, and then see a bright white light. Whats happening..? The light starts to go away, and I see... clouds? Looking around confused, my eyes wonder around my surroundings. I realize that some things look upside down, and I finally notice that I'm laying down. I sit up, and see grass and flowers surrounding me. Where am i..?

My mind wonders back to the voices. They sounded awfully familiar, and what did they say? (Last name)? Isn't that beloveds last name?

I'm interrupted as I hear giggles and laughs, and footsteps. I finally stand, and as soon as I do, I see two little kids. They're running towards my direction, holding hands. They were familiar...

As they near closer, Im surprised to see the same duo from the pictures. Why were they here? Why was mini (Your name) and "Ben" here? Where is "here"?!

"Ben! Slow down!"

"Your cant catch me, (Your name)!"

I hear the giggles closer, and I see the two running. More specifically, the little boy running ahead of the small girl. They were both giggling, running as fast as they could.

Though, my eyes widen when I see them running directly towards me. They never stop, or slow down, and I start panicking. "H-hey! Slow down kids..." I trial off as they both run through me. My eyes widen and I quickly look towards their direction. They... went through me... Like i was some ghost... Which i technically was, but still. It was like i didn't exist.

Confused, I start jogging their way, and quickly catch up. The little girl was catching up, and unexpectedly tackled the little boy. I quickened my pace, and stood right next to them. As usual, they dont even acknowledge my presence, and continue doing their things.

They both fell in the grass, giggling uncontrollably. Soon, everything went quiet, and the atmosphere was calm..

"(Your name)..?

​​​​​"Yeah, Ben?"

Interested in the conversation, I played close attention to what they were saying.

"Promise we'll be best friends forever..?"

"Of course Ben! We'll even get married!!"

"Ben" blushed, and his smile grew.

"Really? That'll be fun! Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise!" They both connected their small pinkies, and giggled. It was a cute sight, but I was still confused.

"Stay here, I'll be back!" He got up, and started running towards a field full of flowers. I wanted to follow, but for some reason, I couldn't move anymore. I could only move my head, but that wasn't much use. Though, i was growing frustrated. Where am i?! And what's happening? Why am i being showed, this?!

Before I could question anything anymore, the little Boy came running back, with four small flowers. He plopped himself on the ground next to the little girl and placed two flowers down, keeping two. He carefully tied the two small flowers together, and made a what looked like a ring. He also did the same to the other two flowers. Done, he picked up one ring, and presented it to the girl.

"Here you go! I made a ring for both of us, to connect us forever!" He slipped one on the girls small figure, and his own. She smiled and blushed, hugging the boy close.

[[Discontinued]]I'll Drown For You (BEN Drowned X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora