Chapter 27

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After our little, awkward session, beloved decided to go to sleep. She said it was because she had to Deal with too much already.

I was kinda thankful for that, though. We weren't just sitting in awkward silence, which well, is awkward. I also had time to snoop around. More specifically, look at that book I saw when i first came in here. I was took curious on what was in that memory book. It could have something valuable. And i could get to know beloved better.

I get off the bed and look around for the book. It wasn't hard, since it was on the floor where i last left it. I bend down to pick it up, and decide to sit on the desk chair. Walking my way towards the chair, i set down and get as comfortable as I can. I had a feeling i would be her for a while. The book was thick...

I open the cover and try looking for my position from last time. I end up on the 'Friends' section, and the same picture from last time catches my attention. A near-6 year old (Your name) stood, hugging a boy. Finally being able to look at him, I feel a very small pain in my head when i do. The little boy had dirty blonde hair, up to his mid-neck. It was fluffy and messy, in a cute way. He Had tan skin and big blue eyes. He held a big smile, and a small blush on his cheeks. He also had his arms around (Your Name). Both were sitting on the grass, with flowers surrounding them.

The pain in my head grows slightly, but I ignore it. Underneath the picture, held a caption.

'(Your Name)+Ben-6yrs

Blossom Field, May 2005'

I feel a pang of pain, much like a pinch, hit my head. I rub my temple, and sigh. Why was this happening? Why am i feeling a pain in my head?

Ignoring it once again, I look to the next picture. A little girl with (hair color) hair and big (eye color) eyes. She had a small ponytail with hair sticking out in different places. Next to her was a little boy with dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. He had messed up hair up to his upper neck. They were both sitting down, with confused expressions, while reaching out to each other. There was another caption,

'(Your name)+Ben-2yrs

First meeting, October 2001'

I feel another pinch of pain.

This went on for a while. I looked at pictures of the little girl and the little boy together, occasionally with another little boy that had the same features the girl had. Then, I would feel a pinch of pain.

I was groaning, while rubbing my head. "Why is this happening! It's never happened before... why now...?"

I'm about to close the book, until a folded sheet of paper catches my attention. I grab it and unfold it. A picture falls out and I pick it up. The same girl from before,(your name), but alot older, was snuggled against the same boy. He had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and had a huge smile, with a small blush. He was glancing at her. The smaller (Your Name) was giving a closed eye smile, with a small blush as well. They looked so happy, snuggled up together.

I feel a bigger pang of pain as I examine it, and place it down on the desk. I then pick up the paper, and look at it. It had semi-neat handwriting, with paragraphs and a few stains. A note..? I began to read the long note,

'Dear Ben

Hey Ben... I wrote this little note when I saw a picture of us together. It reminded me of all the good times we used to have, and I couldn't help but feel emotional. So... i wrote this!

I hope you've been doing good... I haven't. Justin has been trying to cheer me up, but it never works. I try do hard to feel better, but happiness is never an emotion i can feel anymore. It's always... depression and anger. Today, depression has token over everything. Why? Well, guess what say it is today...

My birthday!!! I'm turning 13 today, yay... But but you know what that means... it's been a year since you've died...

Now, I hate celebrating my birthday. It gives me nothing but grief and sadness. It always reminds me of when you left me... when you drowned...

We were supposed to have a funeral a couple months back, but we couldn't find your body... why was that? I find it odd, but strange things happen... I just cant help but think where your body is... oh well... not like it matters. Once your dead, your dead...

Oh geez... I miss you Ben... I want out happy moments back, i want you back! Why did you even leave me?! You ---mised we would always be together, and would never leave me... But y-- did... why...?

Why did --- le--- -- and Ju---?! We were be-- ---ends... I even had a ----- --ush on you.. W---, it was ---ually a huge cru--...

Why am i e--- writing this? You can't re-- it anyway..m You're gone...

Whatever... i- ---e.

B--, I guess....

Yours trul--,

Broken (Your name)

February 7, 2012'


Some words were faded, or had stains covering them.

But after I finished reading, the pain in my head grew 100x harder. I groaned, and let the paper go, my hands going towards my head. "Make it stop...."

I mumble, and then fall off the chair. As I hit the ground, the pain grows every second. Next thing I know, I see black...

[[Discontinued]]I'll Drown For You (BEN Drowned X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن