Chapter 23

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((Y/N) POV))

"Let the fun begin..."

W-what?! "H-hey! What the hell are you going to do you bastard!?" He seemed to be ignoring me, and he went to a desk to grab something. I kept trying to struggle out, but nothing would happen.

He came back with a scalpel and a jar filled with water. I kept yelling at him in fear, not wanting to do anything he's doing. He finally speaks up. "Listen sweetheart, I'm just gonna take back what i wanted in the beginning. Try not to scream too much."

With that, he lifted up my shirt, with the scalpel in hand. Bringing the object to my stomach, I started screaming louder and struggling more. "N-NO YOU FREAK! L-LEAVE ME AL-ALONE YOU MONSTER!!"

He flinched at the names, and seemed to growl. He stabbed the scalpel into my stomach. I screamed in agony. He started to bring the scalpel down very slowly, making an opening. I kept screaming, and eventually, crying as well. He finally took the weapon out and stretched the opening out, to make a bigger hole. All i could do was scream, the pain was unbearable, and I couldn't take it anymore...

He then dug his hand into me, and started moving it around. I felt blood starting to flood my mouth, and I started to see black. My screaming stopped, even through the pain, and most of my vision was taken over my black. The man monster took notice, and spoke, "Darling, don't pass out on me now. The fun is still going! You can m-"

But i couldn't hear the rest, for i passed out.

((BEN'S POV​​))


I was starting to grow tired, and mad. I've been walking for forever, and I've seen no sign of them. No footprints, no sounds, no anything! All I've been seeing is the woods, all the usual, and it's silent.

Growing frustrated, I start glitching out and get angrier. "When i find whoever took her... I swear I'll do something." But I did have a good idea where I was and who took her...

When the I saw the hatchet, I recognized it. And when we were running, I heard multiple footsteps. That gave me a good clue... and a good clue where I was. But that just angered me more. If the people I'm thinking about are right, then Im sure I know where she is..

Thinking deeper into it, I decide she's there. She's at home. Not her home, no. But mine, the Slender Manor. I should've realized that way sooner.. she could be hurt, injured, or maybe even dea-

No, shes not. I won't let that happen, nor believe it. I'll go get her. There are just two problems though..

One, if i even find the manor, I'm not aloud in. Since, i am kicked out for a while month. And then the second problem.. I have no idea where I am, meaning, I don't know where the manor is.

I'll just have to teleport around the whole damned forest until i find it. Deciding that's my only option, I start teleporting further into the woods.

It might take all night, but i will find her.

((Y/N) POV))

The first thing i see is a bright light. A-am i dead...?

Trying to get up, I cant. I'm hit with pain in the stomach and groan. Opening my eyes fully, I that it's just a lamp. Moving mt head to the side, I find out that im still here. I let out a small whine, and close my eyes, hoping I can just disappear. But a voice makes me reopen them.

"You're finally awake girly... glad to see you're not dead." Looking to my other side, I see the same guy from before. Letting my anger take control, I start yelling out,

"What did you do to me you son of a bitch!?" My eyes held anger, but he didn't seem to care. He sighed. "You don't exactly pay attention, do you? Like I said, I just got what I wanted from the beginning." He motioned towards my stomach, but I couldn't look down. I started speaking up, "Well, didn't you come to kill me that day?! Why aren't I dead?!"

"Hm? So you wanna die? Well, if you say s-" "NO!! N-no.. I'm just asking.."

"Well, I was planning to kill you, but I realized that we haven't had much fun over the past few weeks. And your here, sooo.." He shrugged.

We? Who the hell is we?! "Hey! Who the hell is We? Who are you talking about?! And what are you going to do to me?!"

He sighs, "You talk and ask too much. I'm getting quite sick of it. I got what i wanted, so im done with you. I'll let the others know you're I'm done. Then they can have their fun.." He starts walking away and to the stairs.

"Hey! Don't leave me here you freak! What are you going to do to me?!!" But he was already out the door. I sigh and start struggling again. I will get out of here. But then a thought came, 'Who was he talking about? He said we and the others... are there more monsters like him?'

​​​​​​If there were, I would lose my shit. I can't stand another one of him. And if there are, what will they do? He did say more 'fun'...

Deciding I'm thinking too much, I stop struggling and sigh. I don't know what to do... I'm stuck in a creepy basement, cuffed to a table, and some guy did some thing to me. I just want to go home.

Tears swell up, and I let out whimpers. "I-I want Justin..." at that, tears start coming out. Why did he have to go? "I..i want Ben.. my old buddy, my old best friend, my old everything... I want him back! B-ben...!" I start crying. I just want my old life back! I want Justin back. I want Ben back...

"I.. I.. i want this Ben back. The one that i just met.. My first friend in forever, my buddy, my hero... My new everything.. I want him back too.."

After crying so much, I start to feel drowsy. Before I go to sleep, i mumble out,

"Where are you Ben..? I need you.." and with that,

I'm out.

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