Chapter 24

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I grunt as I fall on my knees. Sweat goes down my face and I try to catch my breath. After teleporting all over the place, it really takes all of my energy away. Though, I know im near the manor. I actually recognize this part of the forest.

Slowly getting up, I start walking. 'C'mon Ben. There's no time to be going slow! She could be in danger and possibly dead because of your slow ass!'

With that, I start jogging, and then it turns to a full out run. I'm still exhausted, but I need to keep going for (Your name). I cant let anything happen to her. As I keep going, I think of all the different scenarios that could be happening. 'Maybe she's ok... maybe they haven't touched her yet. Maybe she escaped and is perfectly fine! Or maybe they locked her up, and are beating her... maybe- ok stop... shes ok... nothing happened to her, shes safe and alive... she'll be just fine when I find her..'

Even though i keep telling myself that, I just can't help but think that they did something to her. Sighing, I try to stop thinking in general.

Coming to my senses, I look around. The atmosphere has gotten tense, and and it's completely silent, besides my breathing and my walking.

It's also gotten darker... Looking up, I see that the sky is grey, and not a single star is out. How odd... they were just out a second ago.. Maybe it's just a sign that I'm closer to the manor.

The dark also have me some sort of advantage. The manor's lights would most likely be on, so i could Just look for a light source and it'll most likely be the manor. Most likely... sometimes people, mortals, come this far into the woods, and have lights. Hopefully i dont have to run into anybody. I just want to find my beloved, leave, go home, and have everything go back to normal. Well, as normal as it can get...

It's been a few minutes and I still haven't found anything. "Where am I? I would've most likely seen that huge manor by now!"

Stopping, I look around and see the exact same thing. Darkness and fucking trees. I know I shouldn't, but I need a break. I've been walking and teleporting since forever, and I'm tired as shit..

I sit down against a random tree and close my eyes. Minutes past, until I open my eyes to a ...vibration? Looking around, i feel it again. I pat areas on my body until I reach my tunic pocket. I feel something in it. Digging my hand into the pocket, I pull out the object. I pull out... my phone?

Realizing it's my phone, I stare at it in disbelief. I... i had it on me the whole time...? My eyes glow in anger and I punch my arm. "You... fucking... IDIOT! You couldve been found her already you dumbass!"

Getting up, I turn my phone on and place it on the ground. I glitch out, before I go inside my phone. Oh do i hate myself... all that time wasted teleporting and walking... just to find out that i had my phone on me. Shaking my head, I walk around the little 'dimension'. I keep walking until i find my TV. Luckily, it's turned off, so nobody should be in my room. Turning it on, I look through and see that i was right. Nobody is in here.

Bringing my hand through, I start bringing the rest out. When im fully out, I fall on the floor with a loud thump. "Oh fucking hell... Please dont let anybody come in.." But, sadly, my wish doesn't come true. I hear footsteps and they stop at my room. Getting up, I dart over to my bathroom. Opening the door, i jump in and close it a third way through. I left a small crack so i can still see. Though, I try to dim my eyes down. Since they could glow, I could easily be spotted.

I hold my breath as the door opens. Somebody walks through. My eyes widen as i see who. Its.. Jane? Why is she in here? She's not even in the same hallway as me.

She looks around until shes fully in my room. But, she closes the door. "Now... why is the tv on?" I hear her mumble, and I mentally facepalm. I didn't turn the tv off... now she might be suspicious.

Jane turns the tv off and then looks around. Her jead turns to my direction and my breath hitches. I wasn't scared of her, but I cant let myself get caught.

She starts walking towards the restroom and I hold my breath once again, hoping she'll go away. She stops right in front of the door, and raises her hand up. Right as shes about to touch the door,


She puts her arm down and looks towards the door. She growls and stomps her way to the door. Slamming it open, she walks out and slams it back close. I hear yelling,


I sigh in relief for Jeff and Jane's 'relationship'. Thank Zalgo they hate each other. I just got saved from that. I open the door all the way and walk out.

"Now... what do i do..?" I head my way towards the door and place mt hand on the knob. Before i could open it, I hear faint talking.

"You here those screams she gave off Hoods? EJ really did a number on her in the basement. I wonder what got her screaming so loud." ((totally doesn't sound dirty))

"Y-yeah... B..b..but i wonder wh-who will g-go down for her"

"Maybe Jeff. Even if he can't kill for a week, the least he can do is torture the gi..."

Their words fade away as they keep walking. I recognize them as Hoodie and Masky. But what got me interested was the conversation. They mentioned a girl, and EJ in the basement. She was screaming, and Jeff might torture her...

A...are they talking about my beloved? It makes sense... If the tree boys, the proxies, really took my darling, then it would make sense for the girl to be her...

My eyes widen. It has to be her... if it is, then shes already hurt... I clench my fists. I won't let anybody go down that basement and touch her.

I lock the door instead, and walk back to the tv. Jumping in, I look for the basement cameras. We did have cameras down there for a reason. In case the victims escaped, we could watch what happened. Or some times we like to watch the footage for fun. We are killers after all, we enjoy seeing people hurt.

But I can't let beloved get hurt again... if I cant keep her protected, then I can vow to keep her alive.

I will keep her alive...

[[Discontinued]]I'll Drown For You (BEN Drowned X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang