My first youtube video

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I know it's Casper's video. But you have to watch it if you haven't.

Part 11

We went to grocery store. And brought two buckets and a lit ice. And Eth and Gray brought some gross items for me when I lost point in their video.
Gray: Okay that's it. Let's pay and go to make first video.
I nodded. I can't believe that I'm making video with Gray and Eth and tomorrow with Alex.
Kelli: Are we doing your video to today?
Gray: Yes.
Kelli: Okay, I can't wait. But that means we are doing three videos today. How are we going to edit them all?
Eth: Relax, we are going to edit your video first. Cause your video is going up tomorrow. And then our video.
Kelli: Okay. Let's go
We are paying right now. And packing our stuff. Damn this will be greatest day ever. I take out my phone and going to Snapchat.
"Yo guys guess who am I with?" I turn my cam to Eth and Gray. "The Dolan Twins" Gray and Eth "HEY GUYYYYS" With that 10 seconds ends. I posted it to Snap. And took another snap. "So I'm going to make video with them, and I'm starting YouTube channel. Go subscribe to me Kelli Sell, love ya all. Byee"
Eth tooks out his phone and Snap. "Yo guys. So we are going to make a video. And we have special guest with us." He points phone at me. "So this is Kelli. Kelli say hi!" "Hi guysss" ten seconds ends and he posted it to snap.
Gray tooks his phone out too. With snap. "Yoo guys. So today we are making video with Kelli." He points phone at me. "And she's starting YT channel. So go subscribe to her. Swipe up." Again ten seconds is over.
Kelli: Aww guys that's so sweet.
My phone vibrates.
From Gerly:
You are starting YT channel?

To Gerly:
Yeah. Why?

From Gerly:
Nothing just asking.

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