Chapter 10

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Terrace won the draw to host the event. At least Leander would have the crowd in his favor. The clash would be held at the Felix Arena, a five hundred year old limestone amphitheatre that could hold over one hundred thousand patrons.

Alexia had arrived in Astor five days prior to the clash and must have driven by the gates of Whitestone a dozen times, but always talked herself out of calling. It had only been two weeks since the vote in Osira but that was more than enough time for the anticipation to swell to the point of frenzy. There wasn't a hotel room to be had within 300 miles of the event and commoners were renting out their sofas for 500 a night. Virtually every noble and gentry from the whole of the continent was in for the event and the week leading up to the clash was an uninterrupted party.

On the eve of the contest Alexia's cousin, Sara Lara finally succeeded in dragging her from her hotel room. The Duchess of Astor had organized a rally to support Leander and was hosting a viewing party at her penthouse overlooking the event. The party was expected to be well attended and Sara wanted Alexia by her side. Alexia resisted at first but thought being alone on the eve of the contest with a stocked mini bar wasn't the best idea.

As the cousins waited outside the revolving doors of the Hotel Astor for their driver to pull up, a black car arrived, escorted by Astor police atop a pair motorcycles. When the valet opened the rear door of the black car Alexia was surprised to see Penelope step out. Penelope still felt considerable shame that lingered from her coming of age reception and when Alexia left Penelope five days ago, she wasn't ready to be out socially.

Excusing herself to Sara, Alexia took Penelope aside "What are you doing here?" Alexia asked.

"I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself," Penelope said. "I'm not going to let one stupid mistake take over my life. So I slept with a jerk... I'm not the first one to do that and won't be the last. It's time I got over it and move on."

Alexia smiled and touched her sister's cheek. "There would be nothing to get over if it wasn't for me."

"Heaven's Alexia you talk as if you drugged me and paid him to do it."

"Don't kid," Alexia said solemnly. "If I hadn't been so selfish it never would have happened."

"No, it wouldn't have...that night."

Alexia flinched. "What are you talking about?"

Penelope shrugged she shoulders. "I was curious...sure Ballas tricked me into believing he was something he wasn't but he didn't force me to do anything. If it wasn't him it would have been someone else. And you can't always be there to threaten to cut something of theirs off."

Alexia laughed. "Wanna bet?"

Penelope smiled and embraced Alexia. "You have to let me make my own mistakes Alexia."

"I know," Alexia said. "But it's not going to be easy, so please humor me for a little while ok?"

"Alright," Penelope said releasing her sister. She looked over Alexia's shoulder at Sara and asked, "So where are you off to?"

"Duchess Cassia's penthouse for the rally viewing," Alexia said apathetically.

Penelope hooked Alexia's arm. "I'm ready."

Alexia shook her head. "Alright, let's go."

The rally was to be held in Eagle's Square in the heart of the city. To traverse the swell of commoners that packed the square, Alexia's car passed through empty streets the Duchess had blocked off to allow her guests an unimpeded arrival. The party was held on the rooftop of a century old high rise with a panoramic view of the square. From twenty five stories above the street the sea of commoners that stretched a mile in all directions melded into one amorphous herd, chanting and swaying. Their roar, deafening from the street was little more than a dull rumble from where they stood and reminded Alexia of being in her room while the housekeepers vacuumed the hallway. A stage was setup in front of Felix Arena which stood at the north end of the square, with a large video monitor behind it for the organizers and speakers of the event. Leander's presence was requested but Ambrus forbid it, leaving Eli Thorn to speak on his behalf. The Duchess kicked off the event with a few quick words of little consequence before quickly retreating. Twenty minutes of what Alexia referred to as mindless fluff followed. Band's played, songs were sung and cheers were lead. Finally it was Eli's turn to speak. He was introduced to wild cheers which brought a bright smile to his face.

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